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The Accept association contradicts the Government: same-sex married individuals in the EU will not have their marriage recognized

The Accept association contradicts the Government: same-sex married individuals in the EU will not have their marriage recognized

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
26.09.2023 14:07

The Accept association views the Government's attempts to modify the legislation concerning foreign nationals as "limited" when it comes to recognizing marriages between same-sex couples from other EU countries, and the organization does not agree with this approach. It is not quite the case, says the association.

"We want equal rights, not special conditions!" responded the Accept Association in a statement, believing that the Government's "limited" effort has only "increased the level of discrimination" faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

"Five years after the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Coman-Hamilton case, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is taking a tentative step toward its implementation through a bill amending Government Emergency Ordinance No. 194/2002 on the regulations for foreigners in Romania.

The Accept Association welcomes the limited effort made by government members through this initiative, but draws attention to the fact that the proposal fails to fully implement the CJEU and CCR 534/2018 decisions and does not consider the rights arising from the European Directive on the right to free movement for European Union citizens. The bill adopted by the Government in the September 20, 2023 session contributes to the increase in systemic discrimination against LGBTI families in Romania. Furthermore, the organization alleges that those who stand to benefit from the law were not consulted in the drafting of the normative act", the statement reads.

Accept contradicts the Government, stating that same-sex couples married in other EU states will NOT have their marriages recognized on Romanian soil.

"If the bill is passed in Parliament in this form, European citizens who have married in another EU member state will not have their marital status recognized in Romania; they will only be granted the right of residence, and therefore, they will not be able to enjoy the rights that arise from being spouses. In short, LGBTI individuals will not be granted equal rights, but only special conditions. Moreover, same-sex couples who have entered into a civil partnership in another state will continue to be treated as foreigners with no family connection. Through such initiatives, the Romanian Government only amplifies the level of systemic discrimination against LGBTI individuals whose families are not legally recognized and protected in Romania".

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