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The law on marriage between same-sex individuals

The law on marriage between same-sex individuals. The project has been submitted to the Greek Parliament and is heading for a vote

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Materiały Prasowe,
02.02.2024 15:27

The project of the law on marriage between same-sex individuals is submitted to the Greek Parliament. Titled "Civil Marriage Equality", the project provides for amending the articles of family legislation regarding marriage in the Civil Code.

The legislation proposal for same-sex marriage is presented in parliament, where it will undergo a vote by the deputies within a maximum of 15 days, as announced by the Greek Parliament on February 2nd, as reported by AFP and relayed by Agerpres.

The objective of the project is "to ensure the principle of equality, expanding the possibility of marriage for same-sex individuals and strengthening protection against discrimination, within the national strategy for the equality of LGBT people", reports the Greek news agency Ana, citing the presentation report.

The Orthodox Church of Greece, which is not separate from the state and holds significant influence in Greek society, declared at the beginning of the week to be "totally against" this text that also opens the way to the right of adoption for homosexual couples.

Conservative Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis declared at the beginning of January that this legislative proposal is scheduled for parliamentary review by mid-February, despite facing opposition from the Church and certain members of his right-wing party, New Democracy.

"We will listen to the opinions of the Church, but the state legislates, it does not co-legislate with the Church", Mitsotakis emphasized.

Greece legalized the civil partnership for same-sex couples in 2015, but for same-sex couples with children, only the biological parent has rights over these children.

Even if this country legalizes same-sex marriage, the Greek LGBT+ community recently protested against the bill that does not allow same-sex couples to use a surrogate mother, a right reserved only for single women and heterosexual couples.

Greeks seem to have divided opinions on this issue: two recent polls published one with 49%, the other with 52% favorable opinions for same-sex marriage.

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