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Why you should stop sleeping in the same bed as your partner

Why you should stop sleeping in the same bed as your partner. A doctor's explanation

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
27.05.2024 17:10

A doctor suggests that it might be more beneficial for couples not to share the same bed during sleep.

Dr. Karan Rajan, a surgeon and lecturer at the University of Sunderland, explained that snoring or movements from your partner can affect your sleep when you share the same bed, which is one of the reasons for daytime fatigue, according to

He stated that it is possible for two people to have unsynchronized sleep cycles, meaning the REM period can be disrupted if it does not align with that of the partner.

Night sweating can also lead to restless sleep. Hugs or simply the presence of your partner in the same bed can cause overheating, while you need a cooler temperature for good sleep.

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