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What are the supplements you SHOULD NOT take

What are the supplements you SHOULD NOT take when you have an infection. If you don't adhere to this, microbes multiply

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Materiały Prasowe,
19.02.2024 16:28

Supplements with minerals, including iron, are not recommended when you have a cold or a minor infection.

Iron obtained from medications or food help microbes to multiply faster. This makes the infection even stronger.

Therefore, during an infection, the body sequesters in cells all the iron it already has to prevent it from being accessible to microbes.

The iron in red blood cells combines with oxygen. That is how we oxygenate. Iron also absorbs carbon dioxide and eliminates it. It plays a vital role in our survival.

A red blood cell lives for about three months. The contained iron is so crucial that it will be reclaimed by the body. It will not be destroyed as the cell ages. The immune system cells called macrophages recycle it.

Prof. Dr. Veronica Lazăr, microbiology-immunology: "The macrophages can recognize those worn-out, aged red blood cells. They recognize them, engulf them, and recover the iron. They take from the red blood cells what is valuable, namely the iron, and recycle it. The body has learned recycling, and it occurs not only at the iron level, but throughout the body, operating on the principle of saving resources. Iron is recovered and sent to the bone marrow".

Bone marrow produces new red blood cells and uses recycled iron.

Andreea Groza: We need 25 milligrams of iron daily. A minimal amount. We get only two milligrams per day from our diet, especially from red meat. The rest is recycled iron.

This mineral is valuable not only for us. But also for microbes.

Prof. Dr. Veronica Lazăr, microbiology-immunology: "There is a competition for iron, while infectious agents, all microorganisms have mechanisms for capturing iron. Infectious agents have higher efficiency. That's why iron supplements are not recommended during an infection. Even the intake of iron-containing foods should be reduced during an infection through a natural mechanism".

Microbes grow and multiply faster with iron. Therefore, during an infection, it is not recommended to consume meat, as it has the highest easily absorbable iron content.

During a cold or infection, the appetite decreases. The decrease in appetite means the immune system is fighting. In this battle, it ensures that microbes do not reach the iron normally present in the body.

During infections, the defense system signals the liver to produce a hormone. Its mission is to keep the iron in the body, preventing it from being offered as food to microbes.

Prof. Dr. Veronica Lazăr, microbiology-immunology: "Iron is sequestered in cells, that's why, just a few hours after the onset of an infection, all the iron is sequestered in cells, nothing is released anymore. The gates of the citadels are closed".

Several hours into an infection, the iron levels in the body significantly decrease. This is reflected in blood tests. It is a deliberate response orchestrated by the immune system. Avoid meat, meat products and mineral supplements when symptoms, such as a runny nose or fever emerge.

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