Via Transilvanica, included among the 100 best places in the world. Foreign tourists are delighted: "It was wonderful!"
The prestigious Time magazine included Via Transilvanica among the 100 greatest places in the world this year. It stands alongside destinations around the globe, from countries with a tradition in tourism, such as Portugal, Italy, Thailand or the United States.
The American magazine recommends the route for the active individuals, who want to discover virgin forests and slow ecotourism. Tourists have been discovering Via Transilvanica for just two years. A family came here from Montpellier.
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Woman: "It was wonderful! Even if we don’t speak the same language, we joked with the locals, they gave us directions, they were very welcoming. We passed farms where we were given bread, cheese".
Now, they can’t get enough of walking.
Man: "We have been on the road for 6 days, today is the seventh, and the last will be tomorrow. We spent 8 hours on the road every day. It was very good".
Each of us will leave with fond memories.
Young person: "My favourite part were the forests. And when I saw wild animals".
Being included in the Time magazine ranking is an important recognition for those who created this route.
Via Transilvanica is 1,400 km long and crosses Romania diagonally
Tibi Ușeriu, Ambassador of Via Transilvanica: "I am very glad that the international press recognizes this route. We also have proof that Via Transilvanica is one of the most beautiful places to visit. People came from Australia, from America, I don’t think there is a country from where people have not come".
Via Transilvanica crosses seven cultural-historical lands, where the locals are looking forward to welcome guests.
Maria Bidian, owner of a local gastronomic point: "We start with cheese and dill pie, two kinds of soup, two main courses, warm bread, dessert and traditional Romanian drinks, 'afinată' and 'țuică'".
Dorin Ștefan is a university professor and architect in Bucharest. He also crossed Via Transilvanica. And now he offers a helping hand and builds a few hiker shelters.
Dorin Stefan, volunteer: "A small place where you could rest or if you somehow get caught in bad weather, to be able to take shelter. So, this refuge has a shower, a toilet and a few places to rest".
Via Transilvanica stretches for 1,400 kilometers and crosses Romania diagonally, from Putna to Drobeta Turnu Severin.