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huge fine for tourists feeding bears

The Romanian Environment Minister proposes huge fine for tourists feeding bears on the Transfăgărașan motorway

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.07.2024 15:26

The Environment Minister proposes severe fines for tourists feeding bears on the Transfăgărașan motorway. Nearly 30 wild bears have become accustomed to begging by the roadside.

Using surveillance cameras, the gendarmes will be able to identify and fine those who feed the bears.

The begging bears on the Transfăgărașan motorway have become a tourist attraction. People passing through the area often throw food to the bears or approach them for photos. To put an end to this phenomenon, the Environment Minister promises to install surveillance cameras, increase fines and allow gendarmes to issue sanctions based on footage. Additionally, Mircea Fechet wants to move the begging bears to the Zărnești Sanctuary, but representatives of the sanctuary say they will only take in very severe cases.

Cristina Lapis, Association of Millions of Friends: "We will never take in 30 bears, no way. I will take in a bear starting next week because she has three cubs and may pose a danger. Bears that have lived in the forest need much more space than we can offer".

The Local Council of Arefu village, Argeș County, has decided to issue warnings or fines ranging from 500 to 1000 lei for tourists who feed the bears or approach them within 20 meters for photos. However, the Environment Minister proposes a fine of 5000 lei and sanctions based on video recordings, which is currently impossible.

Luiza Ciobănescu, spokesperson for IJJ Argeș: "We can only sanction actions based on our own findings, not on video recordings posted on various platforms. It is possible for us to fine someone at the base of the dam, while 15 km away there are two or three other people doing the same thing".

Since the beginning of the year, Argeș gendarmes have fined only 2 tourists, and in 2023 they issued 6 fines and 2 warnings. Representatives of the Romanian Gendarmerie say it is very difficult to combat the phenomenon.

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