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Three tips for eating more fiber without feeling bloated

Three tips for eating more fiber without feeling bloated. What a doctor recommends

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
27.05.2024 17:15

Reducing ultra-processed foods and consuming as much fiber as possible are beneficial for gut health. But if you don't do it gradually, drastic changes to your diet can lead to unpleasant symptoms.

The gut microbiome, the billions of microbes living in the intestinal lining that affect our overall health, need dietary fiber to thrive, writes Business Insider.

Gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz offered some tips to avoid feelings of bloating or constipation. People should not stop consuming fiber, he says, but need to add it to their diet in a safe way.

"We are completely, 100% dependent on our gut microbes to break down fiber", explained Dr. Bulsiewicz, who is also the medical director in the U.S. for a nutrition company.

He compared the gut to a muscle that needs to be trained. "When the amount of fiber exceeds the gut microbiome's ability to process it, it becomes sloppy. And that's when we have problems", he said.

Start changes slowly

People sometimes overdo dietary changes and feel unwell shortly after because they have exceeded their gut microbiome's capacity. This can lead to bloating, abdominal discomfort, cramps, diarrhea or constipation.

If you want to eat more fiber, he recommends starting slowly. Every time we change our diet, our gut microbes are forced to adapt, says the doctor. It is best to introduce new foods gradually, starting with small amounts and slowly increasing the portion sizes.

This allows the gut microbes time to adjust to the changes you are making in your diet.

Stay hydrated

Being well hydrated improves our ability to process and digest fiber. Drinking water when eating fiber helps prevent gas and bloating, according to UMass Chan Medical School.

Dr. Bulsiewicz starts each day with two glasses of water and tries to drink two more glasses at each meal to ensure he stays hydrated. Drinks like coffee, tea, caffeinated and sugary beverages are often dehydrating, he said.

Investigate if you have a chronic health issue

Often, gut symptoms can be the result of changes that happen too quickly. But they can also be a sign of chronic health issues, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

These problems are not always caused by the microbiome, although in many cases, it is part of the problem, the doctor also added.

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