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Students from Brașov among the winners of competitions od NASA

Students from Brașov among the winners of one of the world's most prestigious competitions organized by NASA

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
11.06.2024 11:31

Students from the "Andrei Șaguna" National College in Brașov are among the winners of one of the world's most prestigious aerospace development competitions.

As a result of this achievement, the project team attended the International Space Development Conference (ISDC), organized by NASA and the National Space Society (NSS), in Los Angeles, USA, from May 23-26, to present their project, Lifeboat.

Renowned for its global significance, the competition annually attracts tens of thousands of students from around the world. Participants are challenged to design space habitats, and winners are selected to represent their countries and schools in front of an audience composed of renowned researchers, astronauts, entrepreneurs and top aerospace experts.

The team from "Andrei Șaguna" College impressed not only the jury with their innovative and well-founded project, but also garnered appreciation from TotalEnergies Marketing Romania, which financially supported the students' trip to join the global elite in the field at the Los Angeles event.

"We are extremely proud to support these talented young people who represent our country at such a high level. Their project reflects creativity and innovation, and we are confident that they made an impression at the International Space Development Conference", said Didier Grimault, General Manager, TotalEnergies Marketing Romania.

The participation of students from Brașov in this prestigious event is a testament to academic excellence and the enormous potential of young people in Romania, demonstrating once again that investment in education and community support can open doors to remarkable international achievements.

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