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Record number of Romanian students eager for the American Dream

Record number of Romanian students eager for the American Dream. How much does it cost to get to the USA and how to return with money

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
01.07.2024 16:45

Romanian students are eager to experience the American dream. In 2024, over 6,500 visas were issued for the Work and Travel program.

This is more than in 2023, when Romania ranked seventh among countries from which young people went to work in the United States. The costs amount to approximately $3,000, while students can earn around $5,000 there.

Georgiana flew to Hawaii immediately after finishing her exams. She went with two friends, and since they didn’t start working right away, they explored the area.

"We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and the fact that we are in Hawaii", she says.

For a third of the day, the young woman will work as a housekeeper in a hotel, earning $21 per hour. She will still have plenty of time to relax.

Georgiana Sârbu, student: "We will go swimming, visit the nearby islands. We have three meals a day provided by them. It’s a dream to stay by the ocean and explore so many exotic places".

The young people will stay overseas for three months, work for two, and travel for one. They can earn an average of around $5,000 there.

Rareș has been on the east coast of the United States for a week, in the Myrtle Beach resort. He will be a waiter in a restaurant. In addition to a long list of places to visit, he also made a financial plan.

Rareș Gălățan, student: "I thought about getting a second job, we want to come back with some money".

Some young people go to the States every year. Lorinc has already been three times.

Lorinc Marton, student: "I thought it was a great opportunity to experience an American summer. I worked as a waiter, then as a fry cook, and as a salesperson".

According to the US Consulate in Romania, this year a record number of visas will be issued to Romanian students enrolled in this program.

Leah Schulz, US vice-consul: "The most common jobs are in the service industry, restaurants or cleaning. We also have many students excited about jobs in ice cream shops and adventure parks".

Ioan Hossu, sociologist: "America remains an aspirational model for some young people, the place where they should have a life experience".

To enroll, students need approximately $3,000.

Ana Maria Boca, director of a Work and Travel agency: "The program cost itself is around $1,600. There are additional costs, the visa fee, the round-trip plane ticket, and accommodation-related fees".

Most Romanian students go to work in Ocean City, Maryland, New Hampshire, California, Maine and Ohio.

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