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Drug traffickers will no longer escape imprisonment

May 2 Law Submitted to the Romanian Parliament. Drug traffickers will face stricter penalties and will no longer be able to escape imprisonment

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
06.10.2023 17:00

Drug traffickers will no longer escape imprisonment and will face even more severe penalties.

This is the promise made by the Minister of Justice, supported by several liberal colleagues who have initiated an amendment to the law combatting illegal drug trafficking and consumption, in order to abolish suspended sentences.

The proposed changes also target traffickers who confess to their charges or provide information about other drug networks.

Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu: "The May 2 Law that we, together with fellow liberals in Parliament, have submitted today, essentially means zero tolerance for drug trafficking. The caseload related to drug trafficking has increased significantly in recent years. This is why we need to find measures to discourage drug trafficking in Romania".

The legislative proposal known as "May 2" was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies on October 4 and will follow the legislative process. Urgency procedures have been requested in this case.

If the law is adopted, high-risk drug traffickers convicted by Romanian courts will no longer be eligible for suspended sentences. They will serve their sentences within the prison system.

Furthermore, it is proposed to increase the current penalties of two to seven years of imprisonment to a range of three to ten years for drug dealers.

The proposal is a response to the events of May 2 and has garnered support from the Minister of Justice, who is one of its initiators. According to Alina Gorghiu, young people, including children as young as 12, are among the most affected by drug consumption.

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