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How Important Is Exactly Sex?

How Important Is Exactly Sex?

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
07.03.2024 20:00

Well, yes! Sex is important in a relationship. For many people, it is a way to express their love and intimacy.

Good sexual compatibility can improve communication, trust and intimacy in a relationship. On the other hand, lack of or dissatisfaction with sex can bring frustration and conflict. However, every relationship is unique and it is important to find the balance that meets the needs and desires of both partners.

We will list just a few reasons to convince you that sex is important in a relationship:

  • During sex, we strengthen the closeness with the partner;

  • This way we 100% show our love for him (them);

  • Certainly, this time spent together will bring you not only pleasure but also entertainment;

  • You create the future - the children;

  • You will definitely start to feel more confident and sexy;

  • Goodbye stress – Gen Z, sex relieves stress, good to know

The benefits of sex in a relationship

Besides the benefits for you and your partner, regular sex keeps the relationship healthy in many ways. For example, oxytocin, released during sex, enhances the feeling of bonding and improves emotional intimacy.

Obviously, sex is an important part of our lives. However, we often ask ourselves the question:

How often should we do it?

First and foremost, we should take into account that there is no universal rule for how often we should have sex. Every person is different and has different needs and preferences. Some people may have a higher libido, while others may feel satisfied with less.

It is important to note that the quality of sex life is more important than the quantity. More often does not always mean better.

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