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How Can We accept Things We Cannot Change?

How Can We accept Things We Cannot Change?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
18.06.2024 19:00

What does it mean to accept things you cannot change? Things happen in life we have no control over - loss of a friend, illness, getting fired, flat tire, bad weather, etc. Instead of resisting circumstances we cannot change, we can learn to accept them. Quite often, it applies to Gen Z whose representatives are not yet ready to face great difficulties.

Here are 10 tips on how to learn to do it:

1. Accept that you will never have complete control

2. Live in the present moment

3. Focus on the positive aspect in every situation, no matter how small

4. Focus on the things that make you happy

5. Tell yourself that there are many other people in the world with your problems who tackle them

6. Learn to forgive yourself, even if you are faulty, in order to move on

7. Write in a journal the feelings that excite you because it has a relaxing effect

8. Don't start with high expectations because it brings big disappointments, too

9. Remember the popular saying about "silver lining" because no one knows how a given situation will develop in the future

10. Ask yourself the question "Will it matter in 5 years" and it will help you accept something, because in almost all cases the answer to this question will be no.

The strategy of describing also brings very good results with accepting things we cannot change. To do this, write down in a journal the things that cause you stress and are out of your control. A week later, for a few days, pay attention if there is a change. And only then go through the answers. You will see that there are things that you cannot change, but they are much fewer. For the rest, develop options for change - creating a list of pros and cons, talking to your friends and family members, etc.

There are things in life that we cannot change and the first step is to realize and accept that. If you need more help, see a psychotherapist.

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