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9 Clear Signals that This Is not Your Boy/Girl

9 Clear Signals that This Is not Your Boy/Girl

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
01.03.2024 16:00

At the beginning of a liaison, the relationship with our partner seems happy and serene. But emotions often blur our judgement, we ignore the yellow flags thinking we will be able to change the person we are in love with.

The Internet is the place to start a liaison and friendship for Gen Z. And although they deny restrictions and value their freedom much more, they also have dreams and a desire for happiness and romance.

How do we know when a person is using us and wasting our time? Here are 9 yellow flags that this is not your man.

1. Lack of communication

Without communication, a relationship cannot last long. If your partner is reluctant to share their thoughts, feelings and problems with you, it could be a sign that they are not your man.

2. Insufficient attention

If your partner does not show interest and attention to you and your life, it shows that you are not important to him.

3. Lack of support

If the person next to you does not support you in your goals and ambitions, if he/she does not even want to listen to you and does not help you in solving problems, it shows that he/she does not love you.

4. He/She often criticizes you

If he/she constantly criticizes your views on life and the goals you set for yourself and suppresses your self-esteem, this is a sign that he/she is not your person.

5. Lack of trust

If your partner doesn't trust you, doesn't share with you, and doesn't trust you, it is not your man.

6. You make compromises all the time

In a relationship, both parties make compromises. But if you are always giving in to keep the peace, that is a problem. According to top Hollywood attorney Laura Wasser, if one partner is unwilling to make compromises, that could be a red flag for you. A healthy relationship requires both partners to be willing to listen and work together to find solutions.

7. You spend time together, but on his terms

Your partner wants you to spend time together, but on his terms. Then he is kind and attentive, but this is only when there is no more pleasant company. You need to think about whether you are just there to fill his time.

8. Lack of respect

If your partner doesn't respect you as a person, belittles your successes, and scoffs at your dreams, it is best to look elsewhere for love.

9. You don't feel happy

If your partner is no longer trying to make you feel good and you are not happy together, this is also a yellow flag for the relationship. And if he started being interested only in himself and your feelings do not excite him, then the failure of the relationship is guaranteed.

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