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College students are looking for jobs with flexible schedules. O

College students are looking for jobs with flexible schedules. Only 2% of them work

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.11.2023 13:02

To avoid depending on their parents, to attend college and to earn some pocket money, young people have started looking for jobs with flexible schedules.

The number of part-time jobs has increased by 10% compared to last year, according to an online recruitment company. Many of these jobs are in social media, as well as in the HORECA sector.

Claudia, a student at the Faculty of Letters, manages the online image of a company and earns money without neglecting her studies. She can work both from home and from the office.

"We put on music... and upload it on Instagram. I manage the Instagram, TikTok and Facebook accounts", she explains.

Claudia Cristea, student: "It's a flexible schedule, it doesn't matter when I do this, as long as they are done well. I can work from home or from here; it's not something standard".

Reporter: Did you have experience before?

Claudia Cristea: "No, this is my first job".

There are many other job opportunities that students at the beginning of their journey can consider.

Ana Călugăru - PR recruitment platform: "Many are in retail, services, the art and entertainment sector, such as promoter and animator jobs. But there are also many jobs for young people starting their careers, in marketing and social media".

Data from an online recruitment company in Romania show that from the beginning of the year until now, 640,000 applications have been registered among young people aged 18 to 24. Employers even claim that their interest is evident from the interview day when students come increasingly prepared.

However, sociologists still draw the attention of young people that they need to prioritize their studies.

Gelu Duminică – sociologist: "We understand very well their need to cover costs if parents cannot support them, but certainly they should not abandon their investment in the future, because there are very clear studies that say that each additional year of study is equivalent to additional income in adult life. You may be satisfied with a salary of 3,000 now, but you will not reach 7,000".

Nevertheless, the increased interest of young people in Romania is not yet reflected in official statistics. A recent Eurostat report shows that only 2% of young people in Romania work during their studies. Meanwhile, the European Union average is 25%.

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