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After what criteria do young people from Generation Z choose the

After what criteria do young people from Generation Z choose their jobs? What are the most desired professions?

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17.05.2024 20:18

According to recent studies, the majority of young people from Generation Z, when asked what profession they would like, respond with IT specialist or influencer.

Accustomed to spending a lot of time online, where exaggerated models of success are presented, young people up to 28 years old aspire to quickly gain fame and money. However, those who work in these fields draw attention to the fact that behind success are hours of hard work, and the earnings are not always as generous as they seem.

Being an influencer seems to be the new ideal for most young people today. Apparently, this position ensures online visibility, money and the chance to travel around the world. In reality, things are different. Delia Degan became a content creator three years ago and addresses the Generations Alpha and Z.

Delia Degan, influencer: "There are very few content creators who show the behind-the-scenes work. How long it takes to make a video, how much effort you put into it. My first paid promotion was after 1 year and a half of posting, just to understand, it was a video posted on TikTok for which I received 50 lei. I recommend young people who would like to start with social media to have a plan B and not to give up school for this, to attend college because we don't know how long this wave of influencers will last".

Young man: "I would also like to be an influencer, but as a part-time job, to relax, not as a main job".

Recent research has shown that in terms of jobs, the IT field is the most attractive for high school students, followed by the position of influencer, then jobs in marketing or advertising.

Andrei Tișu - psychotherapist: "They grew up with these methods, of being seen, valued through social media platforms. They grew up online. Therefore, it's not just their presence at work or their presence in the city with friends that matters, but also their online presence, what happens when they go online using an account, how they look, how they present themselves".

The latest research shows that young people from Generation Z have been raised and influenced by technology, they adapt easily and change jobs without difficulty. And those from Generation Alpha cannot conceive a world without the Internet. They are more predisposed to remote jobs or even those related to the online environment.

However, the online environment is constantly changing, and sociologists warn that young people can be fooled by the illusion of money, fame and popularity.

Ioan Hossu, sociologist: "The generations of young people and very young people learn more easily and have less fear of using these devices, and I think this predisposes them to future careers in these fields. In the future, there will be other professions that we do not see today, which offer connection with others, public recognition and also the illusion of earning money due to this recognition, and jobs that consist of doing something you like that also brings you money".

Unlike those who are now over 40, Generations Z and Alpha also want a more flexible job, 30% would like to work only 4 days a week, while almost half of those interviewed want a hybrid schedule.

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