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A Study: Is Artificial Intelligence Prone to Sexism?

A Study: Is Artificial Intelligence Prone to Sexism?

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
21.05.2024 08:00

The new study which tested ChatGPT and DALL-E, an artificial intelligence, showed interesting preferences when depicting people in leadership positions. According to the study, 99 out of 100 pictures depicting executives are male, while only one is female. This reveals the AI's clear preference for men over women when it comes to leadership positions.

Something that would be interesting to Gen Z is that the descriptive instructions that were given to ChatGPT and DALL-E were not related to the gender of the persons depicted. Phrases like "someone who works in finance", "successful investor", and "CEO of a successful company" have been used, but the AI ​​still prefers to portray men in these roles.

In contrast, when ChatGPT was asked to generate images of secretaries, 9 out of 10 images were of women. This shows the clear difference in the representation of different roles in society and how artificial intelligence can be perceived as reflecting stereotypes and prejudices.

This case makes us think about the impact of technology on our society and how it can maintain or even reinforce social inequalities. It is important to be critical of the use of artificial intelligence and strive to create more balanced and diverse representations in technological solutions.

For Gen Z, who are more and more actively online and use technology on a daily basis, this case can be thought-provoking and engage them in discussions about the importance of diversity and inclusion in technology. Each of us can contribute to the creation of a more just and equal society by being aware of the influence of technology on our ideas and beliefs.

It is important that we continue to consider and analyze the impact of technology on society and work to create a fairer and more equal society for all, regardless of gender.

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