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A Drunk Female Driver Hit Four Cars; She Was Detained

A Drunk Female Driver Hit Four Cars; She Was Detained

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
04.06.2024 08:00

A 32-year-old woman was driving at an unreasonably high speed and hit three parked cars. As a result of the collision, one of the parked cars hit an oncoming vehicle.

The accident happened on June 14 in the village of Chepintsi on Demokratsia street.

The patrol team that arrived at the scene found that the woman was driving at an unreasonably high speed. She was tested with a breathalyzer which showed 2 ppm of alcohol.

Every third crime in Bulgaria is a traffic accident, and the cases of drink and driving, after using alcohol or drugs, are on the rise, according to the study "Trends and Prevention of Road Transport Crimes".

No one was injured in this incident. But alcohol gives drivers false confidence, decreases alertness and reduces motor coordination. People who drink alcohol cannot react adequately and promptly.

The woman also gave a blood sample for chemical analysis. Fast-track proceedings were initiated against her.

Do young people drink more?

Gen Z have been described as the 'sober generation'. They are known for their progressive values, including less need of alcohol. Young people today do not drink as much as their predecessors. And while Generation Z consume alcohol occasionally, they don't see it as a "regular, relaxing, refreshing habit", the survey found.

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