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WhatIs It Like to Have Avoidant Personality Disorder?

WhatIs It Like to Have Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
29.08.2023 16:10

A person who suffers from an anxious or avoidant personality disorder has a very difficult time making friends. He/she often feels awkward and fears rejection and avoids contact. He/She faces problems both at work and in their personal life. It is typical of them to be extremely shy and they do not tolerate criticism.

Avoidant personality disorder is strongly associated with anxiety disorders. It may be related to actual or perceived rejection by parents or peers in early childhood.

WhatIs It Like to Have Avoidant Personality Disorder?

People with avoidant personality disorder have a behavioral strategy where they try to avoid socializing and actively participating in anything. They have a very negative belief about themselves, which is caused by the criticism of important people in their childhood. As a result, they have come to be perceived as inadequate and useless.

They try their best to avoid situations where someone can judge them. They do not like to draw attention to themselves; in the office they avoid new responsibilities and growth, mostly because of their worries that they may fail.

Undoubtedly, the most famous star suffering from such a personality disorder is the pop icon Michael Jackson. The singer wore masks and disguises during almost all of his public appearances and certainly did not appear to be one to enjoy the massive public spotlight - something untypical ofa celebrity of his stature. At one point, he even built his own personal amusement park to avoid the huge crowds that gather at such places. People close to him described him as extremely shy.

American singer and TV presenter Donny Osmond, as well as model Kim Basinger, are also on the list of celebrities suffering from this type of disorder.

Source: vbox7.com

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