How Can We Understand When Someone Bullies Us Psychologically?
Bullying is a serious problem that we constantly face in our daily lives. The bad thing is that some people do not even realize that they have become victims. The problem is visible for miles, but they seem to be blind.
Either they are quite cleverly manipulated, or because they simply do not have the courage to face the truth. Warning to Gen Z. If you are constantly afraid, depressed and unhappy, or ashamed of yourself, you may want to consider whether you have been a victim of bullying. The sooner you take steps to help yourself, the better.
How Can We Understand When Someone Bullies Us Psychologically?
Bullying is most often recognized as a form of physically and verbally aggressive behavior that, for example, children at school endure from their peers. There are a couple of different types of bullying: physical, verbal, sexual, etc. More, bullying is not limited to children and teenagers. Adults can also be guilty of bullying. This type of aggression is identified as intentional, repetitive behavior directed by a perpetrator against a target of the same age group. One of the most notable components of bullying is the power imbalance between the bully and his/her victim.
Sometimes power imbalance is evident when, for example, an older, stronger child bullies a weaker, smaller child, or when a group of people bully an individual. Bullying is common and can have a negative impact on both victims and bullies themselves. People who are bullied can experience a range of short- and long-term problems, including depression and anxiety, social isolation, substance abuse, difficulties at school or work, and even suicide. Besides, children who are bullied may become victims or perpetrators of violence later in life.
People who bully others are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol and have criminal convictions in adulthood. Even people who simply observe bullying can experience problems, including mental health problems and increased substance use. Men are more likely to be involved in physical bullying than women. A study of children aged from 8 to 15 found that boys were more likely to be hit or kicked than girls.