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Greece has said "yes" to same-sex marriages

Greece has said "yes" to same-sex marriages. The first wedding took place under police protection

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
05.03.2024 11:00

The first wedding took place over the weekend in Greece under police protection, and on March 4, the police announced that the couple had received "threats", AFP reports.

"Our marriage, which took place in the presence of our three children, unfolded without fear or stress, as it should", the newlywed couple wrote in a letter published by the police on X.

The couple, who stated that they had received "threats to their safety", thanked the police for their assistance "during and after the ceremony", according to the police statement.

On February 16, Greece, a deeply Orthodox country, adopted a law authorizing marriage between same-sex individuals and adoption of children by same-sex couples.

Approximately 4,000 opponents of the law, led by Niki, the far-right party with close ties to Russia, demonstrated outside parliament, waving icons of the Virgin Mary and crosses.

This Mediterranean country, where the influential Orthodox Church has vehemently opposed the reform, has thus become the 37th country in the world, the 17th in the European Union, and the first Christian Orthodox country to legalize adoption for same-sex parents.

The leader of the left-wing Syriza party, the main opposition force in parliament, Stefanos Kasselakis, announced that he will marry his American partner, Tyler McBeth, in Greece this summer.

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