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Five green areas in Bucharest could be included on the list of protected areas

Five green areas in Bucharest could be included on the list of protected areas. They are vital for our health

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
22.04.2024 19:32

Environmental activists are calling for the inclusion on the list of protected areas of five green zones within the capital, following the model of Văcărești Delta.

They are green oases hiding true treasures in terms of plants, birds and mammals, and they are vital for our health.

In other countries, such urban forests are strictly protected. People can enjoy walks in the wilderness even though they live in the city.

Less than a 15-minute drive from downtown Bucharest to the north, right within the capital, we find Petricani Meadow. A small wild space spreading over five hectares, which shelters dozens of bird species, mammals, insects and even snakes.

The area is a real treasure for those yearning to walk in the midst of nature. Although surrounded by houses and busy roads, in the heart of the meadow, there is tranquility and peace.

"I feel lucky to have taken this route because I didn't expect this wilderness gem to exist".

"It's somewhat more organized now. Anyone can take a leisurely walk here. It was a lot wilder in the past".

And it is not the only green treasure of Bucharest. Across the street, behind a row of blocks, we find Saulei Valley. It stretches over 49,4 acres and hides an impressive array of lakes. Here, for example, the winter swan lands, considered by biologists a rarity for Bucharest.

Unfortunately, for now, the area is unfriendly for walks. There are no trails, and there are no stairs to facilitate access to the water ponds. Additionally, there is a significant amount of trash.

This is also one of the reasons why environmental activists insist that these areas be declared protected natural areas. This measure prevents ill-intentioned individuals from setting fire to vegetation, as is currently happening, and compels authorities to diligently safeguard these areas.

Cristian Neagoe, representative of the Văcărești Natural Park Association: "Protection practically requires guarding, it requires a form of space management without intervening, of course, in the ways nature does its job. There are wetlands where life practically thrives and deserves to be conserved in one way or another, and the people of Bucharest deserve to get to know them".

In total, within the Bucharest area, there are five wild areas for which environmental activists are demanding protection. In addition to those mentioned earlier, there are the Reeds in Dobroești, the Dâmbovița Meadow - near Mill Lake, and the Băneasa Forest.

For each area, a scientific justification study is required to demonstrate the types of plants and animals inhabiting these regions and why they deserve protection. Following these assessments, the local councils can decide whether to add them to the roster of protected natural areas through a vote.

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