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What are the best hunger-fighting foods?

What are the best hunger-fighting foods? The most satiating product with only 80 calories

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
21.05.2024 15:25

The feeling of satiety arises from two categories of nutrients: fibers, which have a large volume and give the feeling of a full stomach, and proteins, which are hard to digest/metabolize.

Nutritionist Mihaela Bilic teaches us which foods to eat to feel full with few calories.

"The feeling of satiety comes from 2 categories of nutrients: fibers, which have a large volume and give the feeling of a full stomach, and proteins, which are hard to digest/metabolize. On the opposite end are foods with a small volume and high caloric content, such as cheeses, deli meats, nuts and almonds, sweet or salty snacks. Even if it seems like we've eaten little, we don't feel full and we gain weight", says Mihaela Bilic.

Here are the foods with maximum satiety and low caloric intake, according to the nutritionist:

✅At the top, we have the boiled egg, the product with the highest satiating power for only 80 calories. Next is meat, regardless of its color and the animal it comes from. The proteins in meat have negative calories, keeping hunger at bay for many hours, while the body spends energy metabolizing them. Therefore, meat doesn't make you gain weight, but rather helps in losing weight.

Fish in general and fatty fish especially also fall into the category of proteins with a satiating effect. Additionally, we have the anti-inflammatory effect produced by omega-3 fatty acids. As for plant-based proteins, trust legumes like beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas.

✅Among starchy foods, al dente pasta and potatoes with their skin on are the products that fill us up without endangering our figure. Don't cook the pasta until it's completely soft, and consume potatoes and rice after they've cooled. Some of the starch is no longer absorbed, so we fill our stomachs efficiently with fewer calories. Whole grain bread rich in bran is preferable to the fluffy white version. This time, the high fiber content blocks some of the starch, the glycemic index drops and the feeling of satiety increases.

✅Although it contains over 90% water, soup and broth fill us up with few calories. It's called the soup paradox, and it has been proven to stay in the stomach twice as long as a main course. So don't hesitate to start your meal with a soup if you want to fill your stomach quickly.

"Our satiating menu should also include a dessert. Fruits rich in pectin, such as apples, pears, quinces and apricots, have the advantage of filling us up quickly. Pectin is a soluble fiber that swells in contact with water, reduces sugar absorption in the intestine and increases the feeling of satiety.

Did you think we forgot about snacks? Well, we have solutions for that too! Carrot is the ideal vegetable when you want to fill your stomach with something to munch on. And if you prefer a salty taste, air-popped corn is your friend, meaning popcorn and puffcorn", adds Mihaela Bilic.

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