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TikTok couple appeals for help for flood victims as media outlet

TikTok couple appeals for help for flood victims as media outlets "ignore the scale of destruction"

Image source: © Here We Go Again / TikTok
Maja Kozłowska,
18.09.2024 15:30

Olek and Ula, popular TikTok creators behind the "Here We Go Again" account, have shared a heartfelt video appealing for support for Poland, which has been devastated by floods. The couple, who live in the UK with their daughters, urged their followers to help those affected by the natural disaster.

The scale of devastation caused by the floods in southern Poland is staggering. Entire towns have been submerged, with residents losing their homes, cars, personal belongings, mementoes, and even loved ones. Firefighters, volunteers, and local officials are working tirelessly to ensure the safety of those in flood-threatened areas. The entire country has mobilised, offering support to those in need.

Influencers have started fundraising campaigns, some personally delivering supplies to aid sites, while others provide psychological support to flood victims. Ula and Olek, a Polish-British couple known for their TikTok account "Here We Go Again", have taken a different approach by raising international awareness of the crisis to garner global aid for Poland.

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TikTokers appeal for help for Poland

"Poland desperately needs help," reads the video's description posted on the "Here We Go Again" channel. The video, featuring Olek, a UK native, highlights the severe conditions in flood-stricken areas of Poland.

"This video is meant to draw attention to the terrible events unfolding in Poland right now. Thousands of people have lost their homes, businesses, and personal belongings because of the devastating floods. Many now have no access to water or electricity, and this is having an unimaginable impact on their lives. Unfortunately, the international media is not covering the true scale of this disaster," Olek explains.

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"If you can donate, no matter the amount – even five pounds or five dollars – it could make a real difference for people in the affected areas," Olek adds, speaking in English to reach a wider audience. A link to the official fundraising campaign on siepomaga.pl has been provided in the video, which has already garnered more than 150,000 views.

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