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The minerals we need for the heart to function properly

The minerals we need for the heart to function properly. A deficiency would mean arrhythmias with a low pulse

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
04.03.2024 12:02

Consume at least 15 different foods daily. That's what the human body wants. This is the proper way to obtain minerals from food, which enables our heart to beat effectively. These minerals generate electricity.

Between 60 and 100 beats per minute. This is the normal pulse. Pulse is the electrical activity of the heart.

Dr. Irina Macovei Dorobanțu, cardiologist: "The heart functions based on electrical impulses; there is a power station from which an electrical network starts, which branches out into the entire heart muscle, and the heart contracts. In essence, the electrical impulse determines the contraction of the heart".

The pulse is controlled by the brain. But the heart has its own electrical network. It is the only organ with its own network.

Sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium - electrolytes. These are involved in generating the heart's electrical impulses. Their deficiency disrupts the electrical circuits.

Frequently, deficiencies are found in vomiting, diarrhea or kidney diseases. The cardiologist usually requests a test called an electrolyte panel, which shows these substances.

Dr. Irina Macovei Dorobanțu, cardiologist: "Instances where the levels of these ions decrease in the body occur during dehydration. Individuals experiencing kidney issues, as the kidney plays a significant role in regulating these levels, may have reduced concentrations that can impact pulse rate and electrical activity. These instances, such as imbalances in sodium and potassium levels or thyroid gland disorders, are reversible. We typically address potassium deficiency with supplements and thyroid disorders with appropriate medications".

A deficiency of these minerals implies arrhythmias with a low pulse. Heart check-ups should be done once a year as a routine. This includes an EKG, the test that assesses the heart's electrical activity.

What can individuals do to ensure an adequate intake of these minerals? Sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium are acquired from a varied diet as well as from water. Most foods contain sodium and potassium. This supports the idea that it's good to eat a little bit of everything.

Calcium is found in large quantities in the human body. This mineral also contributes to our mobility.

PhD, Prof. Ștefan Voicu, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology: "The brain is the one giving commands, but calcium is that something that ensures the transmission of commands from the brain throughout the body. We're not just referring to the movements we control, but also to involuntary movements transmitted—heartbeat, breathing, intestinal movement".

A serving of dairy products per day provides the necessary calcium.

And also for balance, green vegetables at every meal. This is because green foods contain most of the minerals - necessary in small quantities in the body, but vital.

We are talking about magnesium, copper, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, selenium, zinc, and chromium. If you get dehydrated, rehydration is done with water with minerals or electrolytes - the so-called rehydration solutions.

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