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Cardiologists' formula for heart rate. What pulse should we have when exercising?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
20.06.2024 16:18

Cardiologists' formula for heart rate. What pulse should we have when exercising?

How fast can my heart beat? We do a simple calculation, the same one cardiologists use. From 220, we subtract our age, and the result is the maximum normal heart rate during exercise. If it beats faster, we talk about a condition.

Between 60 and 100 beats per minute. This is the normal pulse. The pulse refers to the electrical activity of the heart. During exercise, the heart will beat faster. The normal rate varies depending on age.

Gabriela Răileanu, cardiologist specialist: "The heart can increase its heart rate to 220 minus age. That's about as far as we can go. A young patient will have a higher tachycardia, an older one less".

Too fast or irregular heartbeats are called arrhythmias. They can be seen on an EKG or a long-term evaluation called a Holter monitor. Arrhythmias are turbulences in the electrical activity of the heart.

The atria are the upper chambers of the heart. Atrial arrhythmias can be treated with medication or minimally invasive procedures.

Gabriela Răileanu, cardiologist specialist: "At the level of the left atrium, where the pulmonary veins connect, bringing blood from the lungs to the heart. There's an area with increased elasticity in some patients due to muscular connections between the atrium and pulmonary veins. These pulmonary veins are isolated to prevent this connection from causing abnormal electrical activity".

The ventricles are the two lower chambers of the heart. Here, arrhythmias can occur even if the heart is structurally healthy. Besides medication, they can be treated by destroying the cells that produce chaotic electrical currents. This controlled destruction is called ablation.

Gabriela Răileanu, cardiologist specialist: "Our current guidelines recommend prioritizing treatment for patients with extra systoles originating from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery, particularly when the extra systoles are numerous".

In the case of irregular heartbeats, doctors also recommend a blood test called an ionogram. But also tests that show thyroid function. This is because low concentrations affect the pulse.

Dr. Irina Macovei Dorobanțu, cardiologist: "Reversible situations. A disorder of sodium and potassium levels or a thyroid imbalance can lead to low pulses. We correct potassium deficiency with supplements and thyroid pathology with thyroid medication".

An annual cardiological check-up is recommended, even if you seemingly have no problem.

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