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Generation Z believes they will have  successful marriages

Study: Generation Z believes they will have more successful marriages than millennials. "We are very permissive"

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.05.2024 19:54

According to a recent study by a social networking app, young people from Generation Z have entered a new phase of romantic dating.

Born over 20 years ago, they believe they will have more successful marriages than the generation before them, the millennials. They have their reasons: they place more importance on personal development and mutual well-being.

Andreea and Dani have been together since high school, and now, at 24, they have decided it is time to take the next step. They say communication has kept their relationship strong.

Andreea: "Whenever we have something to say, we tell each other, 'I don't like this, I don't like that'. I don't like to feel pressured. We are very permissive with each other and very understanding".

According to the study, 75% of those born in Generation Z could change the dating and relationship standards inherited from their parents.

While millennials, born between the mid-1980s and 2000, were more likely to end a relationship, young people aged 18 to 25 are less likely to do so.

Lenke Iuhoș, psychologist: "This generation is much more pragmatic, investing a lot in the emotional aspect and somehow slowing down the steps to decide to divorce, giving the relationship much more of a chance".

Millennials, on the other hand, take longer to decide to marry. Two young people said "YES" after more than 7 years of being together.

Teodora and Vasile: "We focused a lot on our careers, on work, and neglected this aspect a bit, but we have gained courage over the years and we are now very confident".

Adelina and Vlad also got married. They are 27 years old and have been in a relationship for a long time. They have advice for the generations to come.

Adelina and Vlad: "Don't forget about each other's needs, try to make compromises both ways".

In Romania, according to the latest data from the National Institute of Statistics, nearly 12,000 young people under 24 got married in 2022. This is over 32% more than two years ago.

Ioan Hossu, sociologist: "There is a trend of revaluing family relationships, investing time and energy in family, not just in career".

According to the same study, young people demand more effort from their partners for personal and emotional well-being.

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