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How to take care of yourself during heatwaves

How to take care of yourself during heatwaves. What to avoid and which foods are beneficial

Image source: © Canva / Licencjodawca
Materiały Prasowe,
15.07.2024 16:54

During red heat warnings, stay hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee, and energy drinks. These are the recommendations from doctors advising us to be cautious during these hot days.

Our bodies are not accustomed to such high temperatures, so it’s very important to watch what we eat and drink during this period. Sleep also plays a crucial role.

Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks and energy drinks, and limit your coffee intake. Use sunscreen and drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Avoid going outdoors between 11 AM and 6 PM; if you need to go out, cover your head with a hat or cap.

Radu Țincu, primary toxicology doctor: "Extreme exposure to high temperatures can lead to a severe complication called heat shock. This represents the body's inability to manage overheating and is characterized by a temperature rise up to 40 degrees Celsius, muscle dysfunction, and the risk of convulsions. Fast cooling of the body is necessary, as this condition can be fatal otherwise."

Pay attention to your diet.

Dan Anton Enculescu, chief physician: "Avoid eating grilled meats and fats. Consume seasonal fruits, and for diabetics, citrus fruits".

Doctors from the Marius Nasta Institute also offer recommendations for good sleep during heatwaves.

How to sleep well during a heatwave

Avoid napping, which can worsen insomnia. Wear light clothing that allows sweat to be absorbed. Also, maintain an optimal temperature in the bedroom.

If you don’t have a fan, you can fill a bottle with cold, frozen water to lower the temperature of your bed, or wear damp socks to help cool your body.

Our body temperature tends to drop slightly an hour or two before bedtime, which helps us fall asleep more easily and have a deeper sleep.

When it’s very hot, our REM sleep, which helps us reset for a new day and strengthens the immune system while processing memories and emotions, is affected. The Marius Nasta Institute also notes that high temperatures increase both respiratory and heart rates.

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