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How do young people in Generation Z perceive ageing? "After 40,

How do young people in Generation Z perceive ageing? "After 40, it's already over"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
02.06.2024 19:42

In a world where age is often seen as a barrier, a new study brings up the idea that old age is more a matter of perception.

"Old age begins at 57", say those from Generation Z, who believe that once this threshold is reached, everything becomes monotonous. However, they are firmly contradicted by those born in the generation of their grandparents and parents, who offer some advice: age is just a number, and lifestyle matters a lot.

In a recent study, over 2,000 people were asked about the differences between the young and the older generations, particularly between Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, and Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. Young people consider that old age truly begins at 57 years old. 20% of them believe that retirement means spending days relaxing in an armchair. And it all boils down to health problems and a tired spirit.

Girl: "After 40, it's already over. It's pretty much over; your legs start to hurt. After 40, everything starts to hurt– your legs, spine, one thing or another".

Reporter: So, at 40, you already start to be old?

Boy: "Yes, it depends on many things, if you already have a family, what you work, the environment you live in".

In contrast, Baby Boomers disagree: after half a century of life, two-thirds of them claim that 60 is the new 40. According to the study, over 60% of them feel younger than their actual age, while almost 20% believe they are in the best period of their lives.

Elena is 78 years old but says she sometimes forgets to count them. The secret, she says, is to always be busy and do what you like. In her case, dance classes twice a week with her friends.

Elena: "Maybe I feel 50, 40, maybe less. When I come and dance, I forget everything, I can dance like someone who is 40 or 30, or maybe even 20. You have to take care of your body, mentally, and then life goes so beautifully".

Adriana: "I have traveled a lot, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan. And I still remain curious to discover more".

Mihaela: "I always hear it and it makes me laugh. It matters a lot the life in the years, not the years in the life".

Ioan Hossu, sociologist: "We will meet young people who show signs of aging, just as we can meet elderly people who have social activism, psychological and emotional comfort that easily qualify them in the category of young people".

Of all the generations, the study data indicates that Baby Boomers are the most active, having an encouraging lifestyle and perspective on aging.

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