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Children's age entering the Internet decreases

Children's age entering the Internet decreases. Save the children Organization issues warning about social media risks

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
19.01.2024 13:01

The average age at which children start using the Internet regularly is 8 years old. In 2019, they were present online from the age of 9. They have access to multiple social networks, and the danger is increasing.

These are data provided by the Save the Children Romania Organization, which encourages parents to complete an online questionnaire on this topic.

Research conducted by Save the Children and discussions with parents indicate that the age of children accessing the Internet is decreasing, and the most significant problem is that they are not supervised, says Claudia Oprescu from Save the Children Romania.

She emphasizes that the risks have intensified, and children's activities have diversified, with them being present on all available social networks in Romania (YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.). However, it is not necessarily the network that is the problem; what matters is what the child does there, their behavior.

In the absence of parents on the social networks where the child is active, they cannot identify potential risks.

Save the Children Romania urges parents to complete a questionnaire available on the organization's website to help identify online environment risks.

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