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Business ideas of students from Iași

Business ideas of students from Iași who received funding of up to 100,000 euros. "They followed their dreams"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
23.10.2023 16:05

Hundreds of students from all over Romania have started businesses this year with the help of European funds.

The Innotech financing program is nearing its end, and young entrepreneurs have already set up their businesses, guided by their mentors.

In Iași, 21 students with innovative ideas have won up to 100,000 euros and have seen their dreams come true.

Several young people from Iași wanted to bring medical education closer to people using virtual reality. Furthermore, customers receive first aid lessons using mannequins.

Anamaria Lazaruc, entrepreneur: "We see these needs all around us, in people who are confused, people whose lives change due to a diagnosis, and they don't know where to start".

A young man helps those in disadvantaged areas to treat their vision problems through check-ups conducted by a specialist.

Matei Macuc, entrepreneur: "We've established a national-level partnership with the Red Cross, and together with the mobile caravan, we reach remote rural areas where individuals lack access to medical services".

Successful businesses have also been built in the field of leather goods or hand-made decorations.

Medea Chisăliţa, entrepreneur: "Leather is a recycled material from the food industry. Nobody raises cows for their leather. What we do is create a sustainable product. We have a very strict waste policy. We reuse everything we make".

Over 300 students from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iași attended entrepreneurship courses, and some of them submitted business plans. After receiving funding, the young people were continuously monitored and guided by professors.

Assistent Professor Nicolae Horia Țiț, project manager: "They were very motivated and followed their dreams because, in practice, all the businesses you see presented today started with an idea".

Over 20 million euros were allocated in total to all winning students. The program officially ends in December.

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