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Program Be Active, Be Your Change

Be Active, Be Your Change - project information

Image source: © #mamwpływ
Michał DziedzicMichał Dziedzic,01.08.2023 12:30

Despite the fact that young people are relatively most often convinced of the possibility of exerting influence, i.e. they are well-aware of their capabilities, even in this group the belief in lack of influence prevails.

Be Active, Be Your Change is an international project involving the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which, apart from Poland, include Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia.

The project coordinator is Wirtualna Polska Media S.A.

The international media partners of the Be Active, Be Your Change project are:

  • Delfi Uzdaroji Akcine Bendrove - the oldest and largest online news service in Lithuania with an average of about 700,000 visitors per day (1/4 of the total population), which dates back to 2000,
  • Index Promocija Doo Za Promidzbu, Prodaju i Promociju - the most visited news website in Croatia for the last 20 years, with 2.5 million visitors per month,
  • Net Info EAD - the largest digital publisher in Bulgaria and a part of Nova Broadcasting Group, one of the country's three national TV operators,
  • PRO TV S.R.L. - the leading TV station in Romania for more than 25 years, actively involved in social projects.

Cooperation between Central and Eastern countries is particularly important due to the multitude of historical similarities. These similarities had an impact on the development of the values that guide young people. The "Be active, be your change" project is characterized by close cooperation between international editorial offices that operate across borders. Joint action helps to exchange opinions on topics that concern young people.

Be Active, Be Your Change
Be Active, Be Your Change (#myimpact)

One of the key defining characteristics of Generation Z is growing up in a world of modern technologies, which often is the primary source of knowledge, a communication tool and the space where young people spend most of their time. Owing to the availability of information on various events, issues, lifestyles as well as social values in countries with well-established democratic traditions, it could be assumed that the ideas of participation and self-determination would be easily assimilated. However, the results of the research indicate that generational and cultural affiliations have a decisive influence on beliefs about the possibility of influencing political and social processes.

Be Active, Be Your Change is a project that aims to provide young Europeans with knowledge of its values and initiatives, and to encourage open dialogue on European policies, their results, and their role in bridging the development gaps between different EU regions. We want to increase involvement in European social issues, as well as strengthen bonds between young people from different European countries.

We encourage Generation Z (or Zoomers, as they are also called) to actively participate in public life and highlight their ability to make an impact. We are creating a community that, in an atmosphere of trust and honesty, gains knowledge and, above all, takes action.

Be Active, Be Your Change – informacja o projekcie
Be Active, Be Your Change – informacja o projekcie (canva)

The main objectives are:

1. Strengthening a sense of agency - since action stems from a belief in influence, which is an important element of civil society, similarly a belief in lack of influence implies inaction.

2. Creating interpersonal relationships, which are a prerequisite for cooperation in an atmosphere of mutual trust.

3. Responsible and conscious use of the media - critical thinking, openness to other views, and developing resistance to manipulation. All these aspects are crucial for a functioning civil society.

Be Active, Be Your Change – informacja o projekcie
Be Active, Be Your Change – informacja o projekcie (canva)

The above objectives will be pursued through the #MyImpact campaign, where we have defined thematic areas regarding the issues relevant to Generation Z target group, i.e. ecology, awareness and equality, and will put focus on the quality of information and ensuring diversity of views on topics important across Europe. The content will present different points of view and provoke discussion.

Be Active, Be Your Change - informacje o projekcie
Be Active, Be Your Change - informacje o projekcie (#myimpact)

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Be Active, Be Your Change
Be Active, Be Your Change (The European Union)
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