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17 Habits Aging You Faster

17 Habits Aging You Faster

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
11.06.2024 10:00

How you age is largely determined by your genes, however, it doesn't mean you cannot slow down the process. Of course, there are many ways and factors that can help you do this. Below we will try to give you some guidelines on the subject, hoping that they will be really useful to you and you will be able to achieve the desired results.

No need to remind that the lifestyle we have greatly affects what happens to our body. And that means it is at the heart of in what manner and how fast we age.

Here are the worst habits that contribute to our faster aging

Sun rays

Exposure to the sun for too long can lead to a serious problem. The sun rays are the number 1 cause of wrinkles. Tanning beds can also be particularly harmful. To protect yourself, use suitable cosmetics that can reduce their harmful influence.


Besides being harmful to the body, sugar in excessive doses is also harmful to your skin. It is responsible for collagen damage, which in turn leads to wrinkles and dry and sagging skin.

Not eating enough vegetables

Fruit and vegetables contain a number of important antioxidants, which help the skin look younger and fresher. If you do not take the necessary dose of vegetables in your daily menu, you are certainly accelerating the aging process.

Fluctuations in weight

Maintaining good shape and optimal weight is of particular importance. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, which can cause its sagging.

Excessive doses of caffeine

A daily cup of coffee is unlikely to do much to your aging process, but excessive caffeine use can. Caffeine lowers DHEA, the hormone responsible for keeping your skin looking young and fresh.

Chronic stress

Persistent stress and tension is one of the biggest contributors to aging and wrinkles on the face. Stress also affects our lifestyle in terms of food and exercise, and this has a direct impact on our appearance.

Ignoring depression

Various studies have shown that depression directly affects the aging process and accelerates it quite a lot. Don't neglect your mental health and seek professional advice immediately if you are experiencing problems of this nature.

Antisocial lifestyle

Research shows that having lots of friends and acquaintances around you makes you feel better and this definitely helps with your tone and how you age. Being antisocial doesn't do you much good.

Using an inexpensive pillow case

The delicate skin on your face spends more than six hours a day pressed against your pillowcase. Cheap fabrics prevent your face and skin from moving smoothly across its surface. This definitely affects the look of the skin.

The relentless "hanging on the phone"

Recently, the term "technological neck" has appeared. You can probably guess where it comes from. Bending your head over the mobile phone, tablet or other similar device all the time "rounds" the upper back and can generate unpleasant problems.

Using plastic straws

Besides being harmful to the environment, straws can be harmful and dangerous to your health. Using drinking straws can contribute to wrinkles around your mouth.

Eating too much or too little fat

Experts are adamant that a diet with too much or too little fat can help and accelerate the aging process. The best solution is to take it in moderation so that your skin would not lose its glow.

Not wearing sunglasses

UV rays can damage your skin, more, they may negatively affect your eyes. Squinting them when exposed to the sun contributes to the formation of wrinkles around your eyes and eyelids.

Lack of work-outs

Exercise has been proven to rejuvenate not only the body but also the spirit. They can be especially important for the strength of your bones and muscles, as well as keeping you toned.

Not brushing your teeth

The mouth and teeth are the things that most often make an impression on others. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and of course consult your personal dentist.

Putting on makeup

Most people use makeup to "rejuvenate" themselves, but it actually has the opposite effect. Makeup removes natural oils from the skin and clogs pores. If you still use make-up regularly, do not forget to remove it and wash your face before going to sleep.

Drinking of little quantity of water

Dehydrated skin often loses its glow, looking dry and much older than it really is.

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