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30 Lies you Have Believed

30 Lies you Have Believed

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
27.03.2024 08:00

Throughout your life, and especially as a child, you have heard many stories that you believe to be true. There are various myths and lies that become the absolute truth for many, whether because they are passed down from generation to generation or were at one point considered true, or simply because they are spread as rumors.

See what these lies that you know as facts are related to!

Stress is not the biggest enemy of hypertension. Although it can make it worse and temporarily raise blood pressure, the main causes of hypertension are smoking, genetics and diet.

Sharks can get cancer. The myth that they can't was created by I. William Lane to sell shark cartilage as a cure for cancer.

Shaving facial hair does not make it thicker. It is just that when the hairs start growing back, you only feel the tips which are thicker than the remaining part of the hair. Once they grow out, the beard will be exactly the same as it was before shaving.

The vitamin C in oranges does not cure a cold or the flu. The vitamin simply relieves the discomfort of the disease.

If you have a sore throat, eating ice cream or something cold won't make it worse. What causes the infection is a completely isolated virus, and taking something cold can essentially numb or soothe the pain.

100% pure water does not conduct electricity. What makes water electrically conductive is the presence of minerals and other substances in it.

The chewing gum swallowed is not digested by the body for 7 or more years. Actually, gum is never digested, it just passes through our body.

Bats are not blind, but they have fairly good vision. They use sonar to hunt prey and fly, at the same time they can see.

The northern and southern hemispheres do not get closer to the sun in summer. It is warmer in this season because they are slightly more inclined towards the giant star and the sun's energy is more direct.

Cats and dogs do not see in the gray scale. They can actually see in blue and green tones.

You have heard many times that we only use 10% of our brain. Basically, people use their entire brain, but in very different areas and at different times.

Touching a frog does not cause warts. Although they look contagious, the only thing these animals can transmit to humans is a poison that causes skin irritation.

Redheads will not disappear from the planet because no human gene can cease to exist.

Toothpaste does not help with burns, scars or pimples. If you put this product on wounds, you can even cause infection and delay the healing process.

Mosquitoes don't live for just one day. The average lifespan of these insects is one month.

The Great Wall of China is not the only human creation that can be seen from space. This huge structure cannot be seen with the naked eye, but through optical instruments which can help to see many other things on earth.

To drink water, elephants use their mouth like any other living creature. The nose, or the trunk, serves to store or expel water.

Contrary to what you may think, a pony is not a baby horse. This is a type of horse that even in adulthood remains small and never reaches the size of an ordinary horse.

After mating, the female praying mantis does not always eat the male. It can happen, but experts say it only happens in 1 in 69 cases.

Reading in the dark does not harm your eyesight. The worst thing that can happen in dim light is that it becomes harder to see what you are reading.

Does sugar water relieve stress and make you feel better? This is a complete lie. On the contrary, large amounts of sugar can have the opposite effect because it produces energy and can make you exceedingly excited.

The required amount of sleep is not 8 hours, but as much as your body needs to rest, which varies from person to person.

Sunflowers do not follow the sun. The plants usually point to the east where it rises, but they do not follow it throughout the day.

Chocolate does not make children hyperactive. This myth has been widely spread and many parents avoid giving their children desserts not to overexcite them. The only thing that chocolate can cause is obesity from the large amount of sugar.

With prolonged wetting, the fingers become wrinkled because the skin absorbs too much water. It turns out that it is actually a defense mechanism of the human body to adapt our hands and feet to a wetter surface.

Ostriches do not bury their heads in the ground because they are afraid but to pretend to be dead.

Hair and nails do not continue to grow after death. What happens is that skin shrinks and gets loose making them appear larger.

Although the memory of people who are very forgetful is often compared and likened to that of fish, these animals actually remember things for months, not seconds or minutes.

Radiation from microwave ovens does not cause cancer. Other magnetic waves can cause it, but it depends on the exposure and the type of radiation.

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