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Public transport for students. Discounts and costs in 2023

Public transport for students. Discounts and costs in 2023

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.09.2023 14:18

Romanian students benefit from reduced fares for local surface and underground public transportation, as well as for domestic auto, rail and naval transportation throughout the year.

More specifically, Romanian students have recently benefited from a 50% discount on public transportation fares. However, according to the new law, they should now receive a 90% reduction in public transportation ticket prices.

Cost of public transport for students

Students enrolled in accredited higher education institutions with regular attendance can enjoy a 90% discount on public transportation fares until they reach 30 years of age.

Students with one or both deceased parents, as well as students from foster care centers or those who have been in extended, substitute or foster families enjoy free transportation in these categories.

The methodological norms for subway and train transportation are adopted by the government.

To ensure the discount/free transportation for students, funding for subway and train transportation in the second class is provided from the budget of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.

Romanian citizen students enrolled in foreign educational institutions with regular attendance benefit in Romania from a 50% reduced fare for rail and naval transportation in all train categories, second class, throughout the calendar year, until the age of 30, with the presentation of a valid student card for that academic year.

Students of Romanian ethnicity living abroad who are enrolled in positions designated for Romanian candidates at higher education institutions in Romania as recipients of scholarships from the Romanian government, enjoy complimentary access to all specified events held in Romania.

STB (Bucharest Transport Company) Discount

The new Education Law provides for students to receive discounts on public transportation tickets, but they cannot travel under these conditions in Bucharest. This is in contrast to the fact that the guidelines for providing free or discounted transportation to students were published in the Official Gazette on September 8.

According to a statement issued on September 4 by the Bucharest Transport Company (STB), transport passes for STB are currently available to students in Bucharest at the full price, without any discounts.

The 90% discount stipulated by the Education Law in higher education, which became effective on September 3, will be put into practice once the transportation regulations for students are established, as explained by the transportation service operator in Bucharest.

"In accordance with the latest legislative amendments, the Ministry of Education is expected to develop methodologies, regulations and other normative acts arising from the application of Law no. 199/2023 (Higher Education Law). Given that, as of the present date, the guidelines related to providing surface transportation benefits have not been formulated, the issuance of travel documents at a 90% discount for students enrolled in accredited higher education institutions with regular attendance cannot be completed online or at points of sale.

Pupils continue to benefit from free passes issued both through the YouthTB application and at points of sale.

In order to promote the issuance of reduced-price passes for students, Bucharest Transport Company STB SA will request the participation in the public debate organized by the Ministry of Education, so that the provisions of Law no. 199/2023 can be implemented as quickly as possible through the YouthTB application, without using other resources from students", the company stated.

Therefore, discounts cannot be granted until the regulations for reimbursement between the transportation operator and universities are published.

Specifically, STB cannot provide the 90% reduction for student transportation because it lacks norms regarding reimbursement between institutions, said Adrian Criț, director of STB, according to adevărul.ro.

The set of rules regarding student transportation was scheduled to be approved by the Government by no later than September 15, as shown in the official calendar for the approval of subsequent legislation for the new Education Laws.

Subway Transportation

Pupils and students get free or 90% reduced passes, as appropriate, for subway transportation. According to edupedu.ro, Metrorex has identified a "legal way to grant these facilities".

"As of September 3, 2023, both Law no. 198/2023 concerning pre-university education and Law no. 199/2023 regarding higher education came into effect, both of which pertain to providing transportation benefits to students.

Because the methodological norms were not adopted in a timely manner, in accordance with the legal provisions combined with certain changes regarding the facilities granted and the manner in which they are granted, travel tickets for these categories of passengers could not be sold.

However, Metrorex, together with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (the state authority that reimburses these transportation tickets), has taken all necessary steps to find a legal solution for issuing travel tickets until the methodological norms for application are approved.

Thus, after a very short period of time, a legal way to grant these facilities was identified, and students can continue to purchase their reduced/free travel tickets at over 60 locations in the subway network", Metrorex stated.

Tickets for "10 trips" offer a 90% discount for students. They are free for students with one or both deceased parents, as well as for students from foster care centers or those who have been in extended, substitute or foster families.

It should be noted that students who opt for "monthly passes" will not be able to purchase "10 trips" tickets during the validity period of the pass.

Students who choose "10 trips" tickets can purchase a maximum of three such tickets in a period of 30 consecutive days.

"Without a legal framework, subway transportation cannot be reimbursed from the state budget. We regret the impact that these new legislative provisions have had on pupils and students", Metrorex added.

Students can purchase their travel tickets at the following subway station cashiers:

Line 1: Pantelimon, Republica, Costin Georgian, Nicolae Grigorescu 1, Titan, Dristor 1, Mihai Bravu, Timpuri Noi, Piața Unirii 1, Izvor, Eroilor, Grozăvești, Petrache Poenaru, Crângași, Basarab 1, Gara de Nord 1, Piața Victoriei 2, Ștefan cel Mare, Obor, Piața Iancului, Piața Muncii, Dristor 2;

Line 2: Dimitrie Leonida, Apărătorii Patriei, Piața Sudului, Constantin Brâncoveanu, Eroii Revoluției, Tineretului, Piața Unirii 2, Universitate, Piața Romană, Piața Victoriei 1, Aviatorilor, Aurel Vlaicu, Pipera;

Line 3: Preciziei, Păcii, Gorjului, Lujerului, Politehnica;

Line 4: Gara de Nord 2, 1 Mai;

Line 5: Valea Ialomiței, Râul Doamnei, Constantin Brâncuși, Romancierilor, Parc Drumul Taberei, Tudor Vladimirescu, Favorit, Orizont și Academia Militară.

Train Transportation

As per the recently enacted Higher Education Law, which was published in the Official Gazette on July 5 and took effect on September 2, 2023, extending 60 days from its publication, students are now entitled to a 90% discount on train travel, with the age limit for

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