Last Generation activists call for policy changes on flood embankments
mat. prasowe

Students, unhappy about losing discounts on train travel. At the moment, only pupils can travel for free

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
09.12.2023 15:50

CFR Călători railway operator announces that starting from the 3rd of September, 2023, at 00:00, travel passes with free/reduced fares for railway transportation will only be issued for pupils.

Consequently, these passes will become accessible to students only after the Government publishes the methodological norms associated with the Romanian Higher Education Law no. 199/2023, as reported by news.ro.

"CFR Călători informs that, starting from the 3rd of September, 2023, at 00:00, the provisions of the Romanian National Education Law no. 1/2011, regarding the facilities granted to students for railway transportation, will be partially repealed, with the entry into force of the new legislative acts related to education, valid from the 3rd of September, 2023 - Pre-University Education Law no. 198/2023 and Higher Education Law no. 199/2023". As a result, starting from the 3rd of September, 2023, at 00:00, travel passes offering free or reduced fares for railway transportation will be exclusively provided to pupils. These passes will be available for students once the Government publishes the methodological norms associated with Higher Education Law no. 199/2023".

CFR Călători reminds everyone that "travel passes valid on CFR Călători trains operating on domestic routes can be purchased in advance".

"Before boarding the train, we recommend that passengers make sure they have a valid travel pass to avoid additional charges on the train, corresponding to the train rank and mileage zone, and/or the cost of the fine applied in accordance with the current regulations", the company further specifies.

At the same time, students are protesting the fact that they no longer benefit from free transportation

"As a result of the message sent to the public by several railway operators mentioning the intention not to comply with the Law 199/2023 until the publication of the related methodological norms, and even more, to suspend the transportation facilities for students, the Union of Students from Romania wants to express its dissatisfaction with the attitude adopted by CFR and Softrans.

The Union wants to convey that the right of students, granted by Article 128 paragraph (3) of the Law 199/2023, which enters into force on 3/09/2023, is valid even in the absence of subsequent legislation. Thus, any other way of distributing travel passes goes against the law.

At the same time, the Union wants to draw attention to the lack of interest on the part of railway operators, who announced their intentions of action too close to the entry into force of the new law. The belatedly raised issue, otherwise unfounded, shows a lack of solidarity with students and a deviation from the spirit of law enforcement.

The Union of Students from Romania urgently requests compliance with the law and awaits a statement from the main operators in the industry confirming the implementation of the 90% discount starting on September 3, 2023. In the meantime, the Union of Students from Romania advises students in Romania to firmly uphold their rightfully earned rights", as per a statement released by the Union of Students from Romania.

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