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1 in 5 young people are experiencing a mental health problem

The Prefect of Sibiu: 1 in 5 young people are experiencing a mental health problem. We don't detect the pressure they feel

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
11.04.2024 17:56

The prefect of Sibiu county, Mircea Creţu, stated on April 11th that, according to statistics, "1 in 5 young people are experiencing a mental health problem", some of them consume drugs, so "the involvement of professionals" is needed.

"Unfortunately, statistics tell us that 1 in 5 young people are experiencing a mental health problem. Often, we, the parents, grandparents, those around them, do not detect the pressure they feel, which can be due to exams, complicated friendships, the changes they experience, and sometimes it's too much. Let's not forget about phones glued to their palms. Social networks can be a source of information and connection, but they can also create envy, the feeling of not fitting in, and especially the feeling of isolation", said prefect Mircea Creţu, at the opening of the National Conference on Mental Health of Children and Adolescents.

Mircea Creţu says there is a need for even greater involvement of specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists and school counselors.

"Unfortunately, more and more young people seek refuge in drugs"

"Unfortunately, more and more young people seek refuge in drugs, believing that these will give them peace of mind or a sense of belonging, but the reality is much harsher: drugs are not their friends, instead affecting their memory, concentration, increasing the risk of more serious mental illnesses and often causing suicidal thoughts. One thing is certain: we need the involvement of professionals, be they school counselors, psychologists or psychiatrists", said the prefect of Sibiu.

The nineteenth edition of The National Conference on Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, with the theme "Prevention and Early Intervention in the Mental Health of Youth" is taking place for the first time in Sibiu, with international participation, at the "Lucian Blaga" University, from April 11th to 13th.

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