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Suicide attempts among teenagers have increased

Psychologist: Suicide attempts among teenagers have increased after the pandemic. What are the warning signs?

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Materiały Prasowe,
05.01.2024 12:29

Suicide attempts among teenagers have multiplied in the years following the pandemic, fueled by feelings of loneliness and a lack of understanding from parents, says psychologist Daniela Boșca in an interview for MyImpact.

"Generation Z is a fragile generation. Not because they lack something, but because they have something extra. This generation has empathy at a much higher level than other generations and cannot tolerate social injustice", says Daniela Boșca.

She also warned that parents and close ones need to pay attention to the "warning signs" that adolescents exhibit before resorting to impulsive actions. "The problem is that people don't really believe these kids. There is no young person who reaches this state without giving off some warning signs beforehand", she said.

Daniela Boșca is a psychologist specializing in child psychology and an expert in child rights protection and monitoring. She also leads the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Children, an NGO that presents itself as the main specialized interlocutor with the state in the development and redefinition of public policies regarding the young generation.

"There is no young person who reaches this state without giving off some warning signs. The problem is that people don't really believe these kids"

Alex Daragiu: I would like to start the discussion with the tragedy we all know, the one with the teenage girls who committed suicide in Petroșani. How great must the suffering be for an adolescent to reach the point of suicide?

Daniela Boșca: "Generation Z is a fragile generation. It is said to be a fragile generation not because they lack something, but because they have something extra, in fact. This generation has empathy at a much higher level than other generations, and it is a generation that cannot tolerate social injustice.

So, against the background of this fragile generation, personal problems add to all the social issues. And the sadness can be so great that young people resort to suicidal acts.

An important aspect in Romania, which should somehow be noticed and emphasized, is that people don't really believe these kids. There is no young person who reaches this state without giving off some warning signs. They give us signals. The problem is that no one sees them".

Alex Daragiu: And what do these signs look like?

Daniela Boșca: "These signs are becoming increasingly visible, including on social media, because children, I have noticed, open up much better on social media, in the virtual environment, better than at home. (...) First of all, they can be apathetic, they can have anxiety and depression.

Or conversely, they can be aggressive and vocal, saying what they don't like. So, depending on each young person, the signs are different, but these are generally the principles. Either they are very vocal and say they are unhappy and dissatisfied with everything that happens to them, or they are anxious, depressed, very sad, isolated, and often they say they are misunderstood.

And they may tell a parent, a neighbor, a friend, the school... They tell someone. There's no point in closing our eyes and saying that this is how they were born. No. This is how they have become because of the society we live in and because they are not listened to and understood enough".

What are the signs that a child is a victim of bullying? What should parents do?

Alex Daragiu: The two girls (note: who committed suicide in Petroșani) also left a farewell message: "the world is cruel", and this somehow implies a kind of bullying. At least that's what was said, that there was bullying from those close to them. Can the phenomenon of bullying push you to suicide?

Daniela Boșca: "In fact, despair pushes you to suicide. The realization that no one can help you. And I think each of us, at some point, has felt this despair. (...)

And these girls probably felt that, the fact that they are not understood, not supported, and that there is no way out. For this generation, there is, many times, this fear that they will not be understood and that, in fact, no one will understand them. You can't just blame one person; it's about the community. (...)

As for bullying, what can I say? Studies show that it is already a phenomenon in Romania for which, I don't know why, we don't find solutions. Because there are solutions, but we don't delve deep enough to find them".

Alex Daragiu: What would be a solution?

Daniela Boșca: "(...) First of all, all teachers should know what to do, whom to report, what follows, what is the network where the respective child should end up. We don't have enough professionals, we don't have mental health offices except in major cities.

And children don't really get there because they don't know where to go. We don't have psychologists trained in these areas. A psychologist is generally trained to be a psychologist, but there is a need for specialization to work with children who are victims of bullying, abuse. (...)

And I have always advised parents to move their child because it is very difficult to change the community. And until you manage to change the community, the class, your child suffers. So, if you can do this, of course, after consulting with some professionals, my opinion is that you should move the child out of that harmful environment.

But an important aspect is that, very often, the child who is the victim of bullying moves away, but afterwards, no one works with that class so that they understand that what they did was wrong, so that they don't do it in the future.

The problem remains, and one day, another child will be the victim of bullying in that class because we solve the effect and don't address the cause".

"Parents no longer know their children, they no longer have a connection with them"

Alex Daragiu: What signs might a child display if they have experienced bullying at school, for instance?

Daniela Boșca: "First of all, sadness, eating disorders, sleep disorders and isolation from other children. It should be a question for parents when their child spends more time in the virtual environment and has no friends at school or in the neighbourhood (...).

Another factor to consider is that parents have lost touch with their children due to the extensive time spent in the virtual environment. As a parent, you no longer sense their true essence, and the connection with your child has diminished. You lack knowledge about your child's activities, the people they interact with, and their online behavior.

There are studies that show that these children now also have a false sense of self-esteem. They practically don't know who they are. Because if their life happens more in the virtual world and not in the real one, (...) practically, when they are sent into the real world, they don't have the necessary skillsto integrate".

Alex Daragiu: What are the risks when you feel lonely? Where can it lead?

Daniela Boșca: "The biggest risk is indeed suicide. I think it's important to say that studies show that before reaching suicide, children have more suicide attempts that are not taken seriously. (...)

I can tell you that, compared to previous years, I have been notified of many more cases. I would say, especially after the pandemic. Initially, I read studies and saw that the pandemic affected the mental health of adolescents. (...)

Children resort much more and much faster to medications, all kinds of pills, and have suicide attempts. There is also this cause, their isolation, and the fact that they are victims of bullying. There is also the fact that they are more empathetic and realize that our society is broken, and they don't see hope..."

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