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How Can the Desire to Be Happy Make Us Sick?

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
21.02.2024 14:15

There is hardly a person on Earth who has not set some goal ahead of them. Be it something simple and short-term or something complex and requiring a huge amount of time and enormous efforts to achieve it.

Whatever it is, an individual should invest efforts, time and self-sacrifice to achieve their task. Sometimes it is easier, while in other cases, the achievement of a dream or several dreams requires enormous sacrifice and giving up lots of things. In the end, for many, the path to it is the important aspect, not the achievement. For others, everything is "life and death ".

However, exactly the "blind" pursuit of a given goal can sometimes play a bad trick on us. You do not have all the time in the world to devote yourself to one single thing and invest all your energy only in it. In order to devote yourself fully to your dream, certainly some of your other goals have to stay behind, sometimes you should turn your back on them. If it doesn't happen, your life can quickly get out of balance while the stress and anxiety in your daily life can quickly go up.

When we try to achieve our goals, we often take risks and extreme decisions, yet the opinion and evaluation of others is important to us. Many of us worry that we are not good enough at what we do. When we place too high expectations on ourselves and things do not go as planned, it is all too likely to start feeling as if things were out of control and beyond repair. It is quite possible to experience shortness of breath, chest and abdominal pain, nausea and even panic.

Fear of failure, reluctance to leave our comfort zone, or perfectionism can kindle that anxiety.

While trying to achieve our goals, we often push ourselves almost to the borders of our limits. Both mental and physical tension is a positive recipe for burnout.

The pursuit of our goals and dreams should not happen with stress and constant worry. Manage your time and most importantly, your mental health, so you can stay focused on the path to achieving your dream.

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