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 A couple tortured their son because he's gay

"You return to normal or I throw you off the balcony". What happened to a couple who tortured their son because he is gay

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
24.01.2024 15:45

A couple from Turin, the parents of a homosexual teenager, has been sentenced to suspended imprisonment after threatening and torturing their son in an attempt to force him to renounce his sexual orientation.

The woman received a sentence of one year and four months of suspended imprisonment, while the man was sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment, according to

The court obliged them to pay financial compensation to their son for the treatment to which they subjected him.

Both spouses benefited from the suspension of the sentence due to their participation in a "recovery" program. Details are emerging regarding a series of abuses to which their son, only 14 years old at the time, would have been subjected.

The couple discovered their son's sexual orientation by secretly reading his journal. On those pages, which the young man believed would remain private, he confessed: "I like boys, I am homosexual". The father, considering this aspect a "shame" and an "affront", attempted to correct his son's orientation through physical and psychological abuse. The son was beaten, his mobile phone was confiscated, and he was forced to run naked on the streets in the middle of the night. The threats culminated with the man warning the teenager: "You return to normal or I throw you off the balcony".

Furthermore, the father forced the boy to dress and behave according to gender stereotypes, including growing a beard and engaging in relationships with girls. The abuses lasted for two years, between 2020 and 2022, until the teenager confided in a school psychologist, revealing the abuses he had endured.

Subsequent investigations led to accusations against the parents, with the father being charged with abusive treatment, while the mother was accused of not stopping the physical and psychological abuse.

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