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A woman requested the withdrawal of her son from school

A woman from Huși requested the withdrawal of her son from a high school because he no longer enjoys school

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
22.02.2024 16:14

The mother of a ninth-grader requested the school administration to withdraw her child from classes because he no longer enjoys school. The school officials initiated a clarification process with the woman, even sending her to a psychologist together with the child.

The mother of a ninth-grade high school student in Huși approached the school administration and requested the withdrawal of her son's file, citing his dislike for school, as reported by Vremea Nouă. This is happening at a time when a student at this high school can receive up to 1,000 lei per month as an incentive for learning.

The case was recorded a few days ago at the "Ioan Corvin" Technological High School, and the school administration began a convincing effort with the woman. They even sent her and her son to a psychologist to help them understand how much the child needs school.

"Some are tempted to drop out. Yes, just now, a mother came to school, wanting to withdraw her son's file because the child no longer wants to come to school. The boy is in the ninth grade. We tried to clarify this, to convince her it's not right. We have a school psychologist, and we recommended a session with the mother and the student with the psychologist. I trust that we can encourage him to attend school and retain his commitment until the completion of high school.

There have been similar cases, unfortunately. And in many such situations, it's astonishing that parents make no effort to convince the child that school is the foundation of their future, to complete their studies, to finish an educational chapter properly", said teacher Cătălina Dacu, the director of the "Ioan Corivan" Technological High School in Huși.

Every student in the high school is granted scholarships and can also receive up to 1,000 lei per month

Moreover, the case of the woman and her child who no longer wants to come to school is even more perplexing since the high school in Huși practically offers money to all its students.

"In this vocational studies profile, every student is awarded a scholarship. In addition to this technological scholarship, they can also qualify for a social scholarship and even a merit scholarship. A student receiving all three is entitled to over 1,000 lei per month, along with complimentary transportation. Therefore, there are benefits that no student aspiring to learn a trade should overlook.

Everyone has their path in life, but it's ideal not to leave the school path until completing a form of education. I always tell our children that. And parents should be the first to know this", added the school director.

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