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Viral speech by a valedictorian at high school graduation: "What

Viral speech by a valedictorian at high school graduation: "What did school teach me? To lie, to erase my personality"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
10.06.2024 12:21

The valedictorian of Mihai Viteazu College in Ineu, Arad County, highlighted the issues she faced during her school years in a speech that has gone viral on social media.

"Today, I want to share with you a different perspective on high school years. It might not be the classic speech of gratitude and celebration, but it is an honest one that truly reflects my experiences", Iulia began her speech.

The student questioned the essence of the education she received, highlighting the lack of emphasis on human and ethical values. She pointed out that, instead of promoting authenticity and critical thinking, the educational system she went through for 12 years encouraged conformity and superficiality.

Her speech was a call for awareness of the problems in the educational system and the need for change. Iulia advocated for a school that is a real support for students, not an obstacle in their way.

"I gained knowledge, but not values because, unfortunately, that is what school means. Instead of being a place of learning and development, school has become a source of frustration and disappointment for many of us. We often felt unable to express our views, to think differently or to be authentic", the young woman says.

"What did school teach me?", the graduate asked. "To conform, to lie, to erase my personality and to hide behind absurd standards", she answered.

"We had a system that taught us to be superficial and hypocritical rather than to develop ethically and morally", continued the young woman, who told the audience that she was aware that "the speech is disturbing", but hoped that through it she took "a step towards raising awareness of problems that have been swept under the rug for so long".

In the end, she emphasized that she would not thank the system, but only some teachers who did everything for the students.

"In conclusion, I want to send a clear message: school should be a support, not an obstacle. I will not thank the system that disappointed me, but I want to celebrate those teachers who gave a piece of themselves every time they sat at the desk and who were always there for us", Iulia concluded.

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