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Peppa Pig is a gay icon. Homophobes can’t stand it

Peppa Pig is a gay icon. Homophobes can’t stand it

Image source: © Facebook, canva
Maja Kozłowska,
06.06.2023 16:00

Peppa Pig celebrates Pride Month and opponents of equality spit venom on social media. For Pride Month history repeats itself every year.

That Peppa Pig is an ally to the entire LGBTQ+ community has been known for a while. In 2022. Penny, the polar bear, introduced Peppa (and the world) to her two mums. One of the bears is a doctor, the other a full-time mum. The episode, which featured a lesbian couple, was produced in response to a request from the animated tv show fans.

On 1 June, to mark the start of Pride Month, a commemorative graphic appeared on Peppa's Instagram. The cartoon characters (including polar bear Penny and her two mama bears) are standing in a clearing against a rainbow background. The image features a large caption proclaiming "Happy Pride".

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Peppa Pig celebrates, conservatives cry

The post has garnered a lot of likes and congratulations. Commenters are pleased that the cartoon promotes values that are important to them: equality, inclusivity, and freedom. Unfortunately, not all the posts are so complimentary. People with homophobic views have also spoken out firmly stating their opinion under Peppa's post.

"You've lost us here Peppa," wrote one observer.

"On Christmas you posted Happy Holiday in fear of offending some people but you have no problem posting for Pride Month. Do you think more of your audience celebrates Christmas or Pride? Unfollow." – some woman commented.

Losses on Peppa's profile were estimated at 0. Presumably, some homophobes had observed her profile, but to paraphrase Lord Farquad from the first part of Shrek: "it's a sacrifice Peppa is willing to make".

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