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This Lithuanian decided to quit a well-payed job

This Lithuanian decided to quit a well-payed job for life in a new country: no one believed me until I actually left

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
04.10.2023 14:24

It’s natural that everyone is trying to take everything that life has to offer, however, high ambitions often result in constant exhaustion and lead to crippled emotional well-being, thus, dreams and wishes go into the background. To ward off such consequences, one should be ready to make changes. As daunting as new things can sometimes be, bringing fresh colors into our lives we manage to break the binding chains and get rid of certain stereotypes.

Life is full of changes

Most people become accustomed to obeying the rules and standards, that they themselves introduce. First, they try to show splendid results at school and at the university, then, to gain good skills and competence in some professional area, and, finally, be diligent at work that often is thought of as a path in life. It seems there is nothing wrong with such an approach but as seen by examples, success and happiness can be attained by a host of other ways. One Lithuanian has willingly shared them with Delfi readers.

"When I was 19 I decided to go to London. I planned to work there for a year, to save some money, and then return to Lithuania. Maybe I could have bought a car to go to the university or at least would have had some extra money that I could spend on studies or something else," says Artūras Balynas.

However, after a year in London Artūras realized what it means to be financially independent.

"I had enough money to pay rent, to buy the clothes I needed, to go to the club with my friends, and still was able to save a bit. When pondering about returning to Lithuania, I instantly knew that everything would be different, that I would be living with my parents and would have to ask them for money, etc., thus, I made up my mind to work for another year."

After deciding to stay in London for another year, he ended up living there for a total of 16 years. Initially, Artūras worked at construction sites although he always knew that he wanted to achieve more and learn something. In order to achieve personal goals, he had to change jobs several times. It’s true that he has gained lots of experience, yet on the other hand, such a lifestyle has taken a toll on his health.

"A few years later I met one Englishman who worked at a restoration company. He saw that I was rather capable and invited me to the company. They worked at metro stations. After getting the necessary documents, I joined their team. The money was just fantastic. I worked a lot including the weekends and night shifts. For almost a year I continued working without a single day off, but finally, my body began to show signs of exhaustion, indicating that it was time to take a break."

A one-way ticket to a new life

The changes did not stop. After joining yet another company Artūras became an engineer, and later – a team leader. Although the salary and working conditions were satisfactory, he increasingly felt that such a lifestyle was not for him. At that time, traveling was the only opportunity to relax and restore his physical and mental well-being.

"While traveling in Thailand I met a Vietnamese woman, who was there on business. Since then we tried to keep in touch and regularly spoke about our problems and various other things. One day, she suggested that I should consider going to Vietnam. She said I could work there as a teacher and earn $20 per hour," says Artūras

Life in Vietnam is much easier

Determined to change his life, Artūras informed his colleagues, friends, and family about his decision. The news shocked everyone but Artūras did not hesitate and now he is working as a teacher in Vietnam. Artūras claims that life in this country is much easier.

"No one really believed me till I actually left. After completing the required courses in three or four months I started working as a teacher. During the first six months, I worked seven days a week because I wanted to gain experience as quickly as possible. Later, I decided to reduce my workload. Fortunately, things are inexpensive here, so I don’t feel strapped for cash," says Artūras.

Aside from his primary occupation, Artūras is currently involved in a variety of activities.

"I work as a part-time teacher, usually in the afternoons and evenings. Whenever I feel the urge to travel, I take a couple of evenings off. While traveling in Vietnam I created a YouTube channel called "Mr. Abroad" and started uploading videos there. I did so because I liked it. At first, it was just a hobby and I didn’t think about making money from it. However, this year, I began to take it more seriously and became interested in creating quality content," says Artūras.

He claims that in Vietnam he is surrounded by friendly people and can enjoy delicious food.

"Since I don’t feel the need to look for foreign friends, after four years in Vietnam, I only have Vietnamese friends. I have also learned to speak Vietnamese to some extent which has made traveling more enjoyable as I can converse with the locals. They are always hospitable and often invite me for a cup of tea, lunch, or dinner. The local population is very friendly."

Artūras’ story serves as an inspiring example that in the end everything falls into place. Money and a good job are not the ultimate goals in life. Emotional well-being and inner peace are much more important. Therefore, people should not let themselves go with the flow and wait for life to change, regardless of their age. In fact, Artūras’ life continued to evolve, but other adventures of this Lithuanian-born teacher in Vietnam will be the topic of future "My Impact" publications.

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