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The French Prime Minister wants young people to vote. What do co

The French Prime Minister wants young people to vote. What do condoms, game consoles and USB chargers have in common

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
10.06.2024 12:32

The French Prime Minister wants young people to vote. What do condoms, game consoles and USB chargers have in common

"These three objects have one thing in common: Europe, the Europe of concreteness", the prime minister said on June 7, in a video on Instagram, a popular network among young people, showing each object in front of the camera.

"It is Europe that makes sure that the condoms you buy meet all the requirements in terms of strength and safety, thanks to this small logo, the CE marking", the head of government said in a suit and tie on the last day of the campaign.

"It was Europe that forced Nintendo to replace the joysticks of Switches that no longer work for free, even after the warranty expired. It is Europe that has just imposed the universal charger on all phone manufacturers since December this year", he added.

Only 6% of young people aged 18 to 24 plan to vote for President Emmanuel Macron’s majority list, according to an Ipsos survey conducted on 11,430 people from May 27 to May 30.

Macron’s list led by Valerie Hayer is currently ranked in polls at 14-15%, well behind the National Assembly (32-33%, far right) and close to the Socialist Party (about 13%, left).

"This Europe is in danger"

"The Europe of concreteness is also Erasmus for students and apprentices, it is what allows us to defend our personal data, our online privacy, it is what allows us to act for the climate" and "what will allow us to be strong before the United States and China", Gabriel Attal stated.

But, he warned that "this Europe […] is in danger" because "for the first time in history, the far right could have a blocking minority" in the European Parliament.

"I count on you this Sunday to vote for Valerie Hayer's 'Need for Europe' list, the head of the majority", the prime minister concluded, after listing some of his party's proposals to young people, such as a railway pass and a European culture pass, the invention of a cancer vaccine due to the pooling of national research budgets or a 'true European defense'" in the context of the war in Ukraine.

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