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A part of the Romanian football team returned home last night

Hundreds of young supporters have waited for the national team’s players when they returned from Euro 2024: "They changed the Romanians’ mentality"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
05.07.2024 15:16

A part of the Romanian football team returned home last night.

Hundreds of supporters, mostly young people and children, some coming from far away, have waited for the national team’s players at the Federation Centre in Mogoşoaia, eager to see them and thank them for the beautiful dream lived at the EURO.

The supporters really wanted to show their gratitude to the Beloved Generation, which has inspired millions of Romanians.

Young person: "I have to go to work tomorrow. I mean in a few hours, not tomorrow. But these guys deserve so much more than that. It was a very good championship for us, I am very happy with what they achieved. First of all, they changed the mentality of the Romanians and brought the supporters closer to this national team".

Beautiful words were heard from the field too, not just from the stands.

Nicolae Stanciu: "We know you’ve been with us, and seeing you here at this hour is everything for us. I hope we’ve made you proud. I see a lot of children and for us this means a lot, we want to be role models for this generation, for Romanian children. To be good examples, from whom they can learn. You were our first player, not our 12th".

Edi Iordănescu, coach of Romania’s national football team: "You can’t even imagine how much it meant for us, for the players, your support here in the country, in Germany, everywhere, and I can honestly tell you that they gave everything especially for you, for the children and the future of Romania".

It is surprising that although it is past 2 AM, many children convinced their parents to bring them here to Mogoşoaia to be with the National team of Romania. There are also many Romanian supporters who came from all over the country to enjoy alongside the Beloved Generation.

Reporter: Who signed your shirt?

Boy: "Florinel Coman, Niță, Burcă and now Stanciu is going to sign it".

Reporter: Do you have anything to learn from Romania’s players?

Boy: "Yes".

Some, more impatient, made a first stop at Otopeni Airport, hoping that they will have a head start and be the first to see the national team.

And since on July 3rd was the birthday of goalkeeper Florin Niță, the fans marked the moment.

The Romanian anthem was heard again.

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