Last Generation activists call for policy changes on flood embankments
ban petrol and diesel-powered cars from the city center

The capital of Sweden seeks to ban petrol and diesel-powered cars from the city center

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
23.10.2023 16:11

The capital of Sweden could become the first in Europe to ban petrol or diesel-powered cars in the downtown commercial area.

Local authorities aim to implement these stringent restrictions in just over a year, at the beginning of 2025.

The ban would target specific neighborhoods in Stockholm with many shops, parks and residential buildings. Only electric vehicles and bicycles would be allowed access.

The purpose of this measure is to reduce pollution and noise. Nonetheless, there are opinions, particularly within the opposition, suggesting that this approach could lead to significant challenges for the local population. It remains to be seen if the plans will materialize.

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