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Cars, prohibited in the central areas of major cities in Romania

Cars, prohibited in the central areas of major cities in Romania. Where will those registered in other counties be excluded

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
11.03.2024 16:07

Following the model of major European cities, we have also begun to implement plans to reduce traffic in central areas.

This mainly involves transforming some streets into pedestrian walkways, with squares and green spaces. In Cluj-Napoca, access for cars has already been banned on several streets in the center, and in Brasov, restrictions on car traffic are expected to initially target those from outside the city.

In Cluj, five of the six downtown streets designated to become pedestrianized have already been opened to pedestrians. Work on the final one is currently underway. This project, initiated in 2020, carries a price tag of 10 million euros.

Woman: "Pedestrians also need to have space to walk, not just cars".

Man: "It's good for us pedestrians, but as a driver, it's tough".

A parking facility accommodating more than a hundred vehicles has been moved. As a result, drivers now park their cars several streets away.

Dan Tarcea, deputy mayor of Cluj-Napoca: "It eliminates much of the pollution, contributes to improving the quality of life, provides a space where people can socialize".

In the historic center of Brașov, access for cars registered in other counties is set to be prohibited on weekends and holidays.

Reinhold Stadler, urban mobility specialist: "People are somewhat excited and interested in having a central area returned to pedestrians, much quieter and more attractive".

The pedestrian area in the center of Iași will also be expanded by several thousand square meters.

Sebastian Buraga, spokesman for the Iași City Hall: "We aim for the thousands of square meters currently traversed by vehicles to be reclaimed, allowing for additional pedestrian access routes to be established in the pedestrian area of 'Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt'".

The center of Buzău city has already been transformed.

This year, New York will conduct the first experiment in the United States to reduce congestion. Drivers will pay a fee if they want to reach a certain area in Manhattan.

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