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Zoomers shun teaching careers: “It's not worth it”

Zoomers shun teaching careers: "It's not worth it"

Image source: © canva
Marta Grzeszczuk,
20.05.2024 13:45

There is a shortage of teachers in schools, and simultaneously, there is a lack of teaching graduates. Why is Generation Z not interested in becoming educators?

The Minister of Education, Barbara Nowacka, announced in January during an interview with Radio Zet that there is a shortage of around 15,000 male and female teachers in Polish schools. This crisis is expected to worsen. A survey conducted by the bankier.pl website in 2023 revealed that pedagogy and special education are rated as the least attractive faculties. Moreover, data from GUS confirm that the number of pedagogy graduates is steadily declining.

Teachers are underpaid

Analysing the reasons for this situation, portalsamorzadowy.pl lists a wide range of factors: low salaries compared to the years of education and social responsibility required, low prestige of the teaching profession, slow career advancement paths, limited flexibility and autonomy of work, and high expectations from parents and students. However, a crucial factor seems to be missing from this list: the low wages compared to other market sectors.

It is unrealistic to expect students with a talent for science to pursue teaching when they can achieve significantly higher salaries in the IT industry. Those who enjoy working with people can choose between a teaching career and a job in the HR industry. After the recent pay rise in schools, initial salaries may be comparable, but they will significantly diverge as they gain experience. Additionally, for language teachers and lecturers, schools are not a financially attractive place of employment.

The disparity between teacher salaries and the national average

A qualified teacher with at least six years of experience earns PLN 5915 gross from January 2024. In comparison, the average salary in the business sector in March 2024 is PLN 8409 gross. Expecting Generation Z to choose a career in teaching under such disparity is unreasonable.

In an interview with portalsamorzadowy.pl, Katarzyna Nabrdalik, president of the Teach for Poland Foundation, discussed how other European countries address similar employment issues in the education sector. She cited Bulgaria as an example, which quickly attracted 25,000 candidates to the profession. Bulgaria introduced a development programme where teachers' salaries were at least 120% of the national average salary.

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