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Young people under 30 tend to neglect their health

Young people under 30 tend to neglect their health. They consume fats daily, avoid vegetables and do not exercise

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
21.05.2024 15:06

Women take more care of their diet than men, but not sufficiently. Young people under 30 consume fats and carbohydrates daily and avoid fruits and vegetables.

Combined with a lack of physical activity, these choices pave the way for serious illnesses. These are the conclusions of a study conducted by the University of Medicine in Bucharest, which also shows that a healthy lifestyle means not only exercise and healthy eating, but also a balance of elements that support the body, including restful sleep.

Nearly 5,000 people over the age of 18 responded to a lifestyle questionnaire, which included questions about how much, what and how they eat, whether they exercise, and how many hours they sleep each night.

43.1% of participants said they have only one or at most two meals a day. A similar percentage (40.8%) reported erratic eating habits—eating too much or too little. Even more, 61.2%, admitted to eating on the go or doing other activities while eating, such as talking on the phone or sending emails.

An analysis of daily food intake shows that Romanians do not consume enough fiber. Instead, 30.3% consume saturated fats, such as butter or margarine, 60% rarely eat fruits or vegetables, and 43.3% rarely or never eat fish.

Moreover, 64.4% do not exercise at all, and 27.3% spend more than 8 hours in front of a computer. Given these habits, it is not surprising that 78.4% are stressed and constantly tired, and 40.4% suffer from insomnia or do not get enough rest.

Assoc. Prof. Magdalena Mititelu, Faculty of Pharmacy, Clinical Laboratory of Food Hygiene: "We also found a deficit in terms of optimal body hydration. Some people consume less than a liter of water per day. This is insufficient, and water is particularly important for our body's health. It also plays a role in the detoxification process".

The study also shows that men, compared to women, are more likely to have an unhealthy diet. The same is true for people living alone or those with a medium level of education.

Interestingly, the 18-30 age group pays no attention to diet and exercise. People start to be more mindful after the age of 50, especially those in urban areas.

Assoc. Prof. PhD Ștefan Busnatu, Chief Cardiologist: "We are facing an obesity epidemic. This obesity leads to heart fatigue and the heart's inability to pump. We see people aged 35-40 coming to emergency rooms with chest pain, shortness of breath and being quickly diagnosed with myocardial infarction".

A healthy lifestyle means a balanced diet, 150-200 minutes of physical activity per week and restful sleep. Along with giving up smoking and alcohol.

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