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"You must be young and have 50 years of work experience." The harsh reality of the labour market in Poland

"You must be young and have 50 years of work experience." The harsh reality of the labour market in Poland

Image source: © canva
Weronika Plucińska,
16.06.2023 15:30

Finding a job can be quite a challenge especially for those of the younger generation. Employers' requirements may be impossible to meet. There are also cases of potential employees being excluded on the basis of gender, unfortunately.

New employees in a variety of fields are sought all the time, but not all candidates have a chance of being hired. Employers can have many unrealistic requirements to meet. Screenshots of job adverts are appearing on the internet, where one can find requirements in the vein of: "I am looking for a young person, preferably under 20 years of age, with many years of experience in the industry".

Despite their efforts and sending their CVs to hundreds of places, young people can face huge challenges in finding a job. A Twitter user shared her thoughts on the subject.

"We will not hire you because you are not a man"

User @stasiazwiochy recounted her job search adventure on Twitter. In a published post, she wrote that she sent out 20 CVs, none of which were successfully considered.

The girl listed the reasons given by recruiters and potential employers. Only some of them got back to her with feedback, while the rest left @stasięzwiochy unanswered. And so, here are some reasons why she wasn’t hired:

  • At InPost (logistics operator of the parcel machine network), she was refused a job as a courier. The explanation was that they were looking for a man and that one year of experience driving a delivery truck was not enough,
  • in a KFC restaurant, the girl heard that she does not have a health card and the company would not pay her to have one made. When @stasiazwiochy said that she could do the tests at her own expense, the company replied: "we will not accept you",
  • at the Helios cinema, they decided not to hire the intern because her CV was not nicely packaged. When she brought the documents again, this time properly packaged, the cinema did not get back to her,
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Several similar stories emerged in the comments. Twitter users shared their own experiences of finding employment.

Twitter users on difficulties finding work

Several users commented on @stasizwiocha's post. Most of them agreed with her and suggested she submit her CV to various restaurants. Some commenters added that they had also sent dozens of applications for jobs and had only succeeded in the catering industry which seems to welcome everyone.

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